100 Facts!

18 0 16

Shadowhunter_Sawyer tagged me to do 100 facts. Disclaimer, I have a decent amount of crushes. Have fun!

1) I have a kitten named Tigger.

2) I love tigers.

3) I love torturing my friends with my dreams and fantasies. =3

4) I love puzzles.

5) Food is life.

6) I hate PE in school.

7) I love Science in school.

8) I love Writing in school.

9) I always draw during class.

10) My MLP OC is Lucky, she is actually brings bad luck to those around her.

11) I have a Harry Potter shelf in my room.

12) I'm almost always happy.

13) If someone hurts my friend, that persons gonna have a bad time. 😈💀

14) I'm Polish! Cześć!

15) On my birthday I need a Steam gift card to get Undertale.

16) My real name means Christmas.

17) My birthday is December 20.

18) I'm reading the Harry Potter series again.


20) I have many crushes on made up characters.

21) I love Harry.

22) I love Papyrus.

23) I love Bill Cipher.

24) I love Daniel Radcliffe.

25) My 7th grade crush was in 8th grade and now he's in High School.

26) I'm going to 8th grade.

27) My graduation year is 2021.

28) I'm in choir.

29) I have a little brother.

30) I listen to music while I write.

31) My favorite song is "Papyrus Makes a Mix Tape".

32) I have moved 4 times.

33) I was born in Poland.

34) My last name is SUPER easy to say, yet people still pronounce it wrong.

35) I used to dance in ballet.

36) I play flute in band.

37) My fandom's are: MLP, Harry Potter, Undertale, Gravity Falls, Nintendo, and many others I don't want to say cause then this random thing will be a paragraph long.

38) I hate the beach.

39) I have a 3DS, and Wii.

40) My favorite number is 13.

41) My favorite day is every Friday the 13th.

42) I think black cats are lucky.

43) So far my brother is the only person in my family not born in Poland.

44) I want to be a vet.

45) I am obsessed with drinking tea.

46) I'm practicing my British accent for when I go to Great Britain.

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