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I still remember the day..
As if happened yesterday..
Our first chat ,our awkward meet up...
Your first touch,your smell beneath me
Engulfed in each other...
Talking about everything ....
And nothing at once
I still remember the day ...
As it happened yesterday...
Our mid night all whole day longs call..
The dream we dream together
I still remember the day
As if it happened yesterday
That you made a promise
A promise to be here forever
But who knew that those promise were fake
You left me at wreck...
P/S hey guys these is another short poem which I wrote when I felt complete alone I feel these poem is perfect to express my feeling right now..I am sure many people could relate it too it its a feeling when you want to share thousand of emotion with someone but you are scare to face them...and you remember the old memories the time you have spent together
I hope you enjoyed my short poem... There are many stories coming soon so don't forget to vote👍👍

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