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At the age of twenty seven, when death's knocking on my door, I realise that there is nothing which is ''worth remembering'' about my life. All my life I have been shy, so shy that people started thinking that I was mute. I have had a few relationships but nothing serious.

Although if I could tell the world anything, I will tell not mine, but my best friend's tale. I would reveal the truth that has been hidden in the core of the world.

So let me begin,
I first met Ellery  Carter back in the freshman year of high school. She was originally from Britain and her accent had captured quite a few hearts and made her climb higher in the social ladder.
Many among the popularity wished to befriend her but she stuck with me. The reason behind it is still anonymous to me. But what I know for sure is that , she did not like many people. She was the most reserved person that I had ever encountered .

She kept quite and didn't like to talk ,maybe that was the reason for her choosing me as a friend. But she wasn't shy, unlike me. She was a fierce person. She was my rock and whenever someone mocked me, her piercing stare was enough to make them reel back.

At one point, I was seriously jealous of her long light brown hair which was unnaturally thick. Her greenish-blue eyes made her a crush of many. Her slim tall frame made me feel inferior to her, although to her, I was never someone below than her.

My envy soon faded away when circumstances proved her my only friend.

Now, let me tell you about Emir Mazzini. Our families were friends even before we were born. My mother was his mother's best friend and my father was his father's best friend.

Although my despise for both the families was strong, Emir and I had a mutual respect for each other. Maybe because we felt we both deserved respect for bearing with our families since we were born.

He was a devilishly handsome guy. His ashy, almost white hair, unnatural pale complection and dark blue, almost black eyes were always something really good to gaze at. He too was a silent person , its weird really, the ones who talk the least are the ones who are talked about the most. He was his own person and the only person he interacted with was Col.

Now Col did not had the qualities of a normal person at all . Take this for example, he had a medical report that declared him mentally unstable.

But what Emir saw in him was beyond all the stuff that he had been called. Emir found an extraordinary friend in Col.
It was clear from the amount of times they had each others back in messy situations.

Now thinking about the past makes me realise that these three are the only ones among 7 billion people for whom I am able to conjure up thoughts about , around whom I felt comfortable and like myself, when I am awaiting my death.


This story will be in third person's point of view as it is a series of flashbacks. The narration by Maya will be more prominent towards the end of the story.

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