The Big Four - Oneshot Collection

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A/N: Hello! This is just going to be a collection of oneshots based on The Big Four (Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, aka Rapunzel, Jack, Merida and Hiccup). I'm just going to write one every so often and upload it on here, so enjoy! :) Also accepting requests for oneshots!!
Rapunzel POV.

I hear scraping chairs all around me, mixed with chatter and laughter as my classmates gather their belongings for the end of the day, and the teacher's monotone voice as she reminds us of the project due next week. Closing my notebook and zipping up my pencil case, I throw them into my purple and gold messenger bag along with my textbooks and sling it over my shoulder. I hold out my hand for my pet chameleon, Pascal, and cradle him against my chest after he hops on.

It's a Friday, so most average teenagers are probably going to hang out at a friend's or are attending some party. There's always a party. I get up from my desk, tucking a strand of my golden hair behind my ear, before proceeding to walk out of the now mostly empty classroom.

"It sure is nice out for a December day, huh Pascal." I ask, carefully weaving through the mob of students in the hall while carrying my small pile of hair, attempting to reach my locker. (Yeah, my hair's so long I sometimes have to carry it..)It's snowy out, but the sun and lack of wind make it seem sort of refreshing; if you have a coat, scarf, gloves and hat on of course. A small grunt and nod answer my question. "Someone's grumpy." I chuckle as I started to twist the combination on my purple lock with my free hand. This of course earns me a glare from Pascal. Placing him on one of the locker shelves, I wrap my light purple and pink scarf around my neck before slipping on my black puffy coat. I tug on my white, knit, pom-pom hat and matching gloves, pick Pascal back up, shut the locker, and put the lock back on, hearing a satisfying click as it snaps into place. Then I start walking towards the front doors of the school with my hair trailing on the ground behind me. Woo for laziness of not picking up hair!

I sigh, looking out one of the large windows scattered throughout the school as I walk. "I wonder if we'll have a white Christmas this year. I really hope we do.. the snow makes it seem so magical." I also couldn't wait to set up the Christmas tree! Shifting my green eyes from the snowy landscape beyond the glass to Pascal, I begin to ponder out loud, "Do you think we should start putting up the tree today? Maybe we could at least dig out the ornamen-" I get cut off with a gasp as my hair gets sharply yanked. I topple over, watching and hearing all my belongings tumble out of my bag. Luckily, I feel Pascal manage to cling onto my scarf then nestle himself in the fold of it around my neck, concealing him.

A chorus of loud, barking laughter comes from behind me. Sitting up, I hold my head as my vision blurs slightly from the feeling of such a sudden pitch forward. I squint my eyes as as the fogginess goes away, yet keep them lowered as I start gathering my things in an attempt to put them back in my bag. I snatch my hand back from a book as a black boot comes flying towards it, kicking it away from me. Looking up and around, I notice other tall figures doing similar things with my belongings. A particularly loud kick makes me cast my eyes down again in panic.

"What a pathetic excuse of a girl you are." A deep, gravely voice sneers. I don't dare look back up. Another male voice pitches in, "You can't even pick up some books, nevertheless stand on your own two feet!" They all laugh. I feel my face burn in embarrassment but say nothing, just begin to pick up my things as fast as I can before they get scattered further away. The male voice, who I assume to be 'ringleader' of the nasty group, laughs again. "Why, with that puffy coat and pom-pom hat, you look like a little girl! Whatcha gonna do now, huh? Run away cryin-" a sudden plfft followed my a muffled exclamation of rage and shock cuts off the speaker, and my head snaps up to identify the cause.

A tall dark-haired guy who looks to be a grade or two older than mine stands in front of me, surrounded by a couple of other guys. But, his entire face is covered in snow! Another guy suddenly gets pelted by snow, followed by the one standing next to him. "Not so tough, are you now?" A deep masculine voice chuckles from my right.

I turn my head to see a tall, lanky white-haired boy with sparkling blue eyes looking at the bullies in amusement. He is casually tossing a snowball up and catching it repeatedly with his right hand as he stands in front of the opened school entrance doors. He has dark brown skinny jeans on, and a white and light blue striped hoodie layered over a light grey t-shirt. Despite having no coat he doesn't seem the least bit cold. I blink a couple of times, trying to take in everything.

Wait, he has no shoes!?!

My jaw drops as I slowly begin realizing this crazy, white-haired kid standing next to a pile snow without shoes is technically my saviour. How 'dramatically lovely,' as my friend Anna would say.

Well, you know what? Despite everything that just happened and the fact that I'm sitting on the ground with some of my stuff still spread out around me.. I once again look from the blue-eyed mystery boy, to the snow-covered bullies...

And I start to laugh.

A/N: I won't put this many author's notes usually.. Just trying to make sure everything's clear! Suggestions are appreciated! :D

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