Jackunzel - Poke.

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A/N: This is a really quick one, just a fluffy moment between Jack and Rapunzel :) Consider it a really late Christmas gift..? I know most of you are probably asleep though.. oops.. AHEM. Suggestions and requests accepted! :)



Rapunzel POV.

Ughhh.. the light.. it burns...

Groaning, I turn my body so the light won't shine painfully on my face, and try to go back to sleep. But to no avail. I huff and sit up, finally accepting the fact that I won't be able to fall asleep again no matter how hard I try. Blinking to clear my sleep-bleary eyes, I yawn and reach up to stretch, slouching against the back of the couch after feeling a bit more awake.

Moments later, movement catches the corner of my eye. I warily turn my head, bracing for some burglar to jump out at me with a burlap sack, but instead sigh with relief, spotting the TV turned on along with a pile of blankets piled up in front of the other couch. I begin to watch the show currently playing, chuckling at the poor man that was unfortunate enough to get a bag of flour dumped on him in the corny comedy.

Letting out yet another dino-yawn, I get up off the couch with much effort and grab the remote off the coffee table, turning the TV off. Looking down, I notice that I'm wearing a pair of casual grey jogging pants and a light purple tank top, while I feel my long blonde hair just loosely tied in a ponytail.

Last night, Merida, Hiccup, Jack and I had gotten together to watch cheesy movies while munching on some snacks. My parents are on a 3-day business trip and said I could have a couple friends over. I guess Merida, Hiccup and Jack had gotten up earlier than me and headed home. I grin at the thought of Hiccup trying to wake up Merida.... Oh God. That girl could sleep through a hurricane and not even notice.

I start my hunt for any wrappers left from yesterday, only to find the living room spotlessly clean. Shrugging, I make my way towards the pile of blankets, bending down and grabbing the green fuzzy one off the top. My fingers brush something soft and smooth--definitely NOT a blanket--and I quickly jerk back. I cover my mouth to stifle a shriek, dropping the blanket. Keeping my hand over my mouth, I crouch down and move aside the green blanket once again, my eyes widening as a familiar white-haired head appears from behind the many quilts.


I sit down criss-cross on the ground, curiously parting some of the pillows and blankets surrounding Jack's body. As I'm pushing aside one of the larger quilts, he mumbles something incoherently and I freeze for a second, making sure he is still asleep. Phew. Finally, Jack's whole face and most of his torso are visible, only he is facing slightly away from me.

Jack mumbles something again and rolls over, now fully facing my direction. His soft-looking white hair flops over his forehead as he rolls, almost lightly covering his closed eyes. Jack Frost, the bold and mischievous, looks so.. peaceful and innocent. I smile slightly. Darn, I wish I had a camera.

I shift forward, leaning over a bit. Cautiously, I extend my arm and timidly poke Jack's face, holding my breath to see if he reacts in any way. I let out a sigh. No reaction whatsoever. Gaining more courage I poke him again and pause. Still no reaction, wow. How late did we all stay up?!

Poke..Poke poke..Poke poke pok-

I squeal as Jack's eyes fly open and he bolts upright, his hair tousled and my arm still outstretched in 'poking position'. His starry blue eyes blink a few times, his face in a tired "wtf?" expression while I'm probably blushing.

"Jack! I-I was just-um-good m-morning?" It sounds more like a question than an exclamation. Mental facepalm...Trying to cover up my horrible stutter, I smile widely and inch backwards a tiny bit, lowering my arm quickly. Jack raises his eyebrows, looking amused. "Punz, you realize I'm not gonna bite you or anything, right?" He questions, before yawning and untangling himself from the mass of blankets still cocooning the lower half of his body. I nod, feeling the hot prickle in my cheeks start to fade as I calm down and relax.

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