Chapter 5

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Some days later I found out I was pregnant. My joy for the engagement was still very much, plus we were already choosing the date. I wanted to get married while I had a big belly, so we decided the day would be after seven months.

I got pregnant the 2nd of February; so the wedding date was the 2nd of September. A perfect date.


It is incredible how the time passes. After her engagement, Katy became pregnant and we started our way to become parents.

After four months we went to the doctor to now the baby's sex.

I remember that day very well.

Katy was very nervous when we were in the car, and I could understand her, because I was nervous too. We didn't really care about the baby's sex, but what worried us was the danger of some physical problems. Katy had been very careful with the diet and stuff like this, but how to be sure the baby would be okay?

- Hey bae.- I told her.- Why are you so nervous?-

Stupid question.

She sighed.- I guess you know it.-

And I did.- Alright. But don't worry, please... -

I wasn't really sure about what to tell her. I couldn't assure her the baby was fine, but it was very very probably, so I should confort her; I felt like I was more confused than her.

I didn't say anything, I just put one hand on her belly and with the other continued driving.

She sighed but calmed a bit.- Can you feel it?-

- Yeah.- I smiled.

Katy looked at me.- I was thinking that we'll have to change car when the baby will come.-

- You're right. This one is not enough big for a family, thought.- Katy's car was a berlin. Too small for us.- We can get a BMW or a Mercedes Benz.-

- I don't know. We still have time to think about it.-

We arrived at the hospital.

- Of course we do.- I parked the car and turned it off.- Come on, let's go.- I kissed her.

We entered in the hospital and asked where to go. We waited our tourn in a small room, where other mothers were waiting too. There were all kinds of free magazines about pregnancy, and Katy took them all. She started reading one.

- Remember, no spicy food for me.- she said, reading.- And... Oh well, there is a list about things I can't eat, but they are all things I hate so... -

She passed to another magazine.

- Here there are ratings of the best pregnancy books. We should buy them. Alimentation, health, things to buy... - she read.

- Is there any book that says everything? I mean, it would be easier.- I said.

Wrong idea.

- Are you mad?- shouted a chorus of mothers, who were clearly hearing our conversation.

They watched me like I was seriously mad.

- You can't trust what people write on that books.- said one, feeding her baby.

- Yes, absolutely. You need to read sure things, not opinions.- added another one.

Katy laughed when she watched my face.- Maybe they're right.-

Luckily, the doctor called us in that moment. We entered in his big studio and sat on two comfortable chairs.

I took Katy's hand.

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