Bored and starting highschool in a week and a half!!

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Hey guys I'm in Mississippi rn but I'm going home on Sunday and I get to see my mom and I'm hopefully having a sleepover. I'm starting high school on the 11th and I'm really nervous and excited. I'm  nervouscited! My sister just got accepted into college in South Dakota so she's leaving me. I'm happy for her but I also really don't want her to leave. We've been through everything together and I'm really gonna miss her. I feel like she's leaving me behind right when I need her most. I'm starting highschool! That's really difficult for me to go through alone. Especially because my sister got cancer when she was about my age so she didn't get to live her teenage years until she was all grown up. By then I was already a teen. So we were living it together. But I started sixth grade and she moved away to live with my other sister. So I couldn't go to her for help in middle school and now she's leaving and moving all the way across the country. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her. I moved in with her for seventh and even though I went back to my mom for eighth, her and my other sis moved down the street from us. So she was really close when i needed her. But now shes leaving me behind to go through highschool alone. I might have my friends but they can't offer me the good advice that my big sister could. And not only that, but now when I have a problem with my mom, brother, nieces, or my other sister, she's not gonna be there to help me out or at least go through it with me so I don't feel so alone. It really hurts but the right thing to do is to let her go . If you love em let em go right? But it just scares me that she's leaving so now neither of us can help each other. I don't want her to leave but I can't stop her. It really hurts and I can't do anything about it for once.

If you have any advice then can you pm me plzz? I really need help and I don't necessarily have anyone to go to for it.




Help me plzz. ~ karla-chan

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