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"She's in there! And they're experimenting on her!" Bucky yelled at Fury, begging him to go save Y/N.

"We can't do anything about it, Barnes. We need a plan, and we can't send you back there when you're still recovering." The Director said calmly, crossing his arms and turning away. "We can't take more risks, we almost lost you. It can't happen again."

"They're a bunch of fucking teenagers-"

"Who are smarter than you. We need to make a plan, not just rush in there. We can't lose more men."

"She's in danger, Fury.. We need to save her." Bucky pleaded, sighing and sitting back down on his seat. They're in Fury's office, Natasha and Miles are in there with them, quiet.

"I think we need to know what they want with her first, before we put up a rescue mission." Natasha jumped in, looking at Barnes in worry, it's obvious she still has feelings for him.

"We're gonna wait that long?! She might be dead by then!" Bucky yelled, standing up, wincing at the pain on his side where the laser hit him. "If you can't help her, I'll go there by myself."

"You're staying here and that's an order, Agent Barnes." Fury said intently, staring down at Bucky, "I wanna rescue her too, she's one of S.H.I.E.L.D's finest. But we need to know what we're dealing with here."

"They're creating a weapon.. they said. Something worse, I'm sure of that." Bucky sighed, groaning at the pain constantly spreading on his sides.

"What kind of weapon?" Fury asked, moving closer to Bucky.

"I don't know, exactly.. but they said that it's worse than brainwashing, something about giving commands... And they said they need Y/N.. I don't know what for, they said they need information, secrets from S.H.I.E.L.D, that's all I know... Sir, we have to get her before it's too late" The soldier said, feeling so hopeless and vulnerable, "I.. I proposed to her just last night, Nick. I can't lose her."

The Director looked down, he doesn't wanna lose her too, she knows far too much and is too good to be taken control of. If she snaps out of it, the experience would damage her.. not just physically, but emotionally. "I won't let that happen, Barnes." he quietly said. But Fury knows there's nothing he can do.


A rescue mission has been conducted, Fury did everything in his power to convince the heads of S.H.I.E.L.D to proceed with this mission, they know the danger, the risks. They were hesitant at first but the Director made a few negotiations that will reduce the number of people dying.

He will be sending Agent Barnes and Romanov in the building, strike team for back up outside. Two of his best agents for combat inside, they should do more damage than those teenagers.

"Barnes, Natasha.. be ready, we don't know what these teenagers are doing, they might have set traps everywhere. Eyes open and alert." Agent Miles said, briefing the two about the mission and the plans. The two agents nodded at Miles and moved outside, it's only 7:00 in the evening, the sky is still burning orange, Barnes and Natasha run towards the building on foot.

"I'm gonna kick the door open, fire who ever gets in our way, got it?" Bucky ordered Natasha, and she just nodded, holding up an gun at any possible targets.

Upon approaching the building's glass doors, something... or someone sprinted towards them, a woman. Wearing clothes much similar to Natasha. Attacking them and firing her gun at the agents. They quickly ducked and ran to the nearest cover they could find. The woman walked angrily towards them, and Bucky dreaded the entire thing, because as soon as he took a clear look at the woman he said,



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