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An eerie silence gripped the air in Starclan's hunting grounds, much quieter than usual. It wasn't just the she-cats own knowledge of the event that was troubling her. But it felt as if the wind had brushed her fur the wrong way. Making her uncomfortable. The star surrounded white cat pushed her way through the undergrowth to where the others were waiting.

"I just heard." She meowed to the cats as she sat down. "What will we do? Are we going to punish her?"

"Her?" A bracken colored tom exclaims. "It is just as much that tom in Riverclans fault than the she cat's!"

"Calm down Stickpelt!" A gray she cat hisses at him.

A red tom with a scarred nose pads up and sits closer to the middle of the group. "But what ARE we going to do with them? They broke the Warrior code!"

"I don't know Redscar." The gray furred she cat meows. "But I think the she cat should be left alone."

The group of starry cats exploded into outraged meows of protest. The gray she cat lifted her tail for silence. The voice of a black tom rises above the rest of the cats.

"But Echostar!" he meows angrily. "What about the tom in Riverclan? He shouldn't be the only one given a punishment!"

The yowling dies down as Echostar began to speak once again.

"I know she has done no more wrong than Stormheart, but Stormheart is not the one that has a deputyship to take care of. Rainfur's destiny can not be played with at this point. The clan needs her." She ended with a distressed meow.

The white she cat nervously stepped forward. "I agree with both Echostar and Stickpelt." She meows. "And I don't think either cats should be punished."

"Then who will get punished? We can't just not interfere with something as important as this!" The black tom spits.

Swallowing nervously she responded. "I know, Blackfur. Which is why I think we should punish the kits instead."

Again the Starclan cats go up in arguments, no longer the Greenleaf forest being quiet.

"Listen to me!" She screeched trying to be heard over the cats. They finally came to a soft murmur. "I know it sounds cruel, but I think it's for the best. This way they will have lived with it their whole lives. And Stormfur and Rainfur have suffered enough already anyways."

"I think this is fair." A fluffy orange tom says from the group.

"I also think this is fair, nice job Snowsong." Echostar praises her.

Snowsong quickly blinked her thanks at the orange tabby and Echostar.

"What will the punishments be?" A brown she cat asks from the back of the group.

Snowsong had already thought up some punishments, but took a few seconds to be sure. Then responded.

"The orange tom kit that is staying with his father in Riverclan will be punished by having his fake sister taken away by rogues. The gray tom will never be able to swim. And the silver tabby she-cat will never be able to have kits." Snowsong finished and glanced at the Starclan cats around her.

"It's settled then." Echostar meows.

The cats nodded satisfied.

"Good. Now to prepare for the oncoming storm."

Warriors: Fate Of The StormWhere stories live. Discover now