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One night, a cat named Callie disappeared. The owners left the door open, and didn't even know it. The owners were very sad, and hope someone finds her, and takes care of her. That little cat was out on the streets looking for food, and luckily a little girl found him and gave him a big chunk of bread to eat. Callie has been out on the streets now for 3 days. "I really hope Callie finds a person to live with, or at least hang with'. "That poor little cat'. And the owners were really surprised because Callie was a very smart cat, and they thought that Callie should have found her way home, but she never came.


Luckily, Callie found a little box on the streets to go in and be protected from the rain. Callie was almost to the point of dying now, but he was so happy when a 19 year old girl named Ally, came over next to the cat. She bent down and said, "what are you doing alone on the streets'? "You poor little thing'! Then Ally looked at Callie's Collar, it was weird because the only thing she saw was her name, Callie. It didn't have a phone number or anything. Callie was very excited. The words going on in her mind is, "Is she going to keep me?' "Is she not going to keep me?'


Ally said to Callie, "Don't worry, I'm going to take you home and take care of you for a while until we find you a new home! Ally took Callie to her house, and she fed her, groomed her, and gave her all the love and attention anyone could give her. Callie was now a happy Cat again, And not at the dying point. Ally then took care of the cat for about a month, and told all of her friends. Ally was now so bonded with Callie that she didn't want her to go and live with another person, she wanted her to live with Ally.


Ally was so excited when her mom called, and told Ally she would adopt Callie so Ally can come visit her any time, Ally's respond was "OMG!!! It would be so awesome if you adopted her! Then I can still hang with her! She was so excited, and so was Callie.


Allys  mom adopted Callie, and they were all a big happy family. A new member added to the family is so cool,  specially when you can cuddle with her. They were then the happiest people in the world, and hope to stay that happy for as long as they both shall live.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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