8:00 AM

10 2 2

I need to answer, he thought as he curled up more into his bed sheets. I know I'm gonna regret it if I don't. The phone resting on his bed side was vibrating, signaling that he was receiving a call. She's gonna be pissed. The turtle sighed and kept his eyes closed, feeling a twinge of remorse when the room went silent, a buzzing sound no longing being played.

She'll come storming in any second now...

Calming silence engulfed the room, surprisingly lasting more than 10 minutes. Skylar was about to fall back to sleep when a light patter of feet came rushing down metal stairs outside his window. He groaned and rolled over, covering his head with the bed sheets. Here we go. The patter grew louder and ended with a dull thud directly outside. The window was opened and a young girl entered the bedroom. The mere presence of her being was enough to make the room feel brighter and energetic. Not particularly a feeling Skylar wanted at the moment.
He heard the girl stomp towards the door. Just when he thought he had gone unseen, the foot steps stopped. "What the?" Having the sheets pulled off of Skylar's body caused him to feel a rush of cold air. "Nooo..." he groaned, reaching up for the blanket and finally opening his eyes. He was greeted by a stern face and blooming red hair. He sighed. "Awright sweet cheeks. Wantae explain tae me how come in hell's bells ye'r still in ya kip? Hm?" The red headed girl beamed a smile so fake it made Skylar cringe. "Jazz, I'm tired, ok? I told you, I had training with the guys yesterday. I'm super sore, so just.." He reached up for the blanket again and frowned when it was taken more out of his reach. "Ah don't give a shit! It's the first day of summer, sae ye better git yer ass up 'n' movin'!" Jazz threw the blanket to the floor and stomped on over to the record player resting on the dresser against the opposite wall of the bed. Looking through the different vinyls, Jazz soon picked one out and took it out of its paper casing. "Ye git ten seconds, Skylar, 'fore ah dump cauld water on ye again." And with that, Skylar was up and out of bed.

Listen baby, ain't no mountain high,
Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby

Scrubbing his teeth, Skylar could hear Jazz playing music from his room. He mentally smiled. He was extremely grateful for Jazz, even if she was a pain sometimes. She taught him everything he knows. Language, social skills, fashion, and great music taste. She was his everything. "Oi blue boy! ye brushing?" Skylar mumbled through his toothbrush,"yeah, I'm brushing, I'm brushing..." "What?!" "I said I'm brushing!"

If you need me call me no matter where you are, No matter how far; don't worry baby, Just call my name; I'll be there in a hurry, You don't have to worry,

This is how things were. Jazz would come over and wake him up (very rarely was it the other way around), blare music from his room, and help make breakfast. She was pretty much a part of the family.

Oh baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe

Skylar shuffled into the kitchen with a yawn, adjusting the back of his boxers around his shell and tail. "Good morning, Skylar," April O'Neil smiled as she spread peanut butter on to a bagel. "Mornin' mom," Skylar responded, taking a seat at the table. He yawned again. "Sky, mind helping me make th' eggs?" Jazz asked as she turned on the stove. Skylar simply nodded and forced all of his weight to rise out of the chair, swaying for a moment before shuffling over to Jazz.
"Ooh, good song this morning, Jazz," Casey Jones said as he entered the room, scratching the scruff beard growing on his chin. "Thanks, Mr. Jones!" Jazz beamed. "Any requests fur whit tomorrow's song shuid be?" The hockey player shrugged. "How 'bout rock? That'll wake us up." Jazz nodded and smiled in agreement.

Yep. Just like every morning. Skylar smiled.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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