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Did you know that the word trivia started as a study of liberal arts?

Trivia is plural latin word which means Tri-three, and Via-way (sing. trivium).

The word was originally a word trivium which consist of three educational usage in basic education such as grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Those three topics are needed before they study quadrivium (Geometry, Astronomy, Music, and Arithmetic).

Though the term had been used in mid 1400's it was only in 1900 when the word trivia were used as to what we know of today when Columbia College students, Ed Goodgold and Dan Carlinsky wrote the first book about tidbits of random, yet fascinating facts.

It hits on the list and from that, a trivial pursuit board game emerged and became the most popular  game board of all times.

Later, after the quiz game scandal (where producers give the contestants guide in answering their questions), the producer thought 'why don't they change the usual question-answer game into telling the answers first and let the contestant give what is being describe'. Soon, the gameshow was back in the industry and known until now.

The gameshow which uses the trivia game until now, is the famous "Who wants to be a Millionaire?".

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