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Time itself feels like it has stopped or slowed down as I chase after the thing the amber eyes belong to. Whatever this things is it feels like it's toying with me and I've about had enough. Coming to a complete stop I watch as the thing continues for a bit before it notices me not following anymore. When it does it completely stops and looks me dead in the eyes, but I'm unfazed and also stare it dead in the eyes not wanting to show any fear. It suddenly comes to mind that maybe I'm just imagining it that if I close my eyes maybe it'll be gone when I reopen them. As the wind picks up and blows my hair to the side I take that nice calming moment and slowly shut my eyes and take a deep breath, maybe I am just tired. I stay still for a minute or two and hear nothing but the blowing wind rustle the leaves of the trees. So I open my eyes once again and see nothing but the forest. Letting a deep sigh out I head back to my tent and arrive to the sight of my things scattered on the ground torn to pieces. "son of a-". I stare behind me where the direction of the voice came from but don't see anyone but trees. Slowly and quietly I move behind one of the trees and cautiously peek around to see the source of the voice was a guy who was speaking over the phone. I couldn't get a good look at his face since his hood was up and his back was towards me. "I lost control again, but this time I changed more than once. I think she's the reason why." Is all the stranger said before turning around and spotting me. "Shit." The stranger says under his breath. He then slowly began backing away before completely taking off with me not far behind. This guy was pretty fast, I was having a hard time keeping up with him. But as soon as I got close enough I tackled and pinned him down, but as easily as I pinned him down he threw me off and pinned me. I struggled but couldn't break free and I still couldn't see his face due that his hood was still up and he was looking away. Deciding whether to find a way to escape or stay calm and ask him some questions and hope he'd answer was all that was on my mind at the moment. "...Who are you and what do you mean you transformed?" I asked but the stranger said nothing. "You're the thing from earlier, the thing that's been following me these past years, aren't you"?". Flinching at hearing my question I continue "It's your fault I turned into that monster and the reason my mother is dead". My voice full of sorrow and anger as I fight back the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes. But he still didn't respond all he did was tighten his grip on my wrists. "Answer me" I tell him insisting on an answer. Slightly turning his head he reveals part of his face, but only from his nose to his mouth. "I'm sorry....please don't follow me I don't want to hurt you" is all he says to me. His voice sounded different this time, it sounded familiar. Not saying anything I just studied him and I notice he has a lip piercing. I've seen that piercing before but where, I couldn't quite put my finger on where I've seen it before. But instead of making a big deal over a piercing I push it towards the back of my mind and decide that I need to get free. "Fine" I respond to his demand. But he doesn't release me but instead tightens his grip more and more to the point where the pain was becoming unbearable. Wincing through the pain I tell him to stop but it's no use he just tightens his grip more and this time begins to growl. "Let go you're hurting me!" I demand fear clear in my tone. With that he reaches for a rock near us and hits me on the head with it. My head was throbbing from the pain but I managed to see him get up and take his hoodie off. Where I spotted a tattoo on his torso and shoulder. Gently he lifts my head and places his rolled up hoodie there and the last thing I see are his gorgeous amber eyes.

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