The first time part one

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Alright, this chapter and the next ten(?) chapters are going to be the past experiences. The current chapters will pick up on 'Current time part one' (Real creative title, Destiny) so it'll be pretty obvious.

The picture is how I sort of imagine Allison but with dark auburn hair instead of blonde.


The smell was the first thing that got to me. Don't get me wrong, it was a pleasant smell but Starbucks didn't really have the same smell as Phil and I's favorite coffee shop. Allison was the one who wanted to come to the coffeehouse chain instead of the nice family owned shop a couple streets away. Phil, being the good boyfriend he was, didn't want to go against her wishes. I just rolled my eyes and considered going by myself but it wouldn't be the same.

I went over to one of the empty tables and fell down onto the cushioned chairs. Allison came over seconds later and sat across from me. I slipped my phone out and quickly checked my Twitter account to make sure nothing interesting happened between home and here.

"Third-wheeling today, huh?" Allison said, trying to strike up a conversation. I glanced up at her from underneath my fringe.

I'll have to get that cut soon.

"You could say that." I said before turning my attention back to my phone. I didn't even understand why she was here. Phil and I had planned to go out and do some shopping but he invited her without telling me. I wouldn't have mind that much if it weren't for the point that Phil had constantly been around her for the past month. I had barely gotten any time with my best friend and was starting to feel left out. Yes, I know they are dating but I think I deserved to see Phil more than an hour a day before he left or she came over.

I wasn't bitter about her. No, I  was just feeling lonely again.

Okay, maybe I was slightly bitter but only a little bit.

"Dan, I don't understand how you don't have a girlfriend." I paused and turned my phone off at that. I placed it on the table, looking at her with an 'are you serious' look. "If you had a girlfriend then you wouldn't be third-wheeling."

I awkwardly smiled before answering, "Well, some people just can't handle all this awkwardness." I laughed and glanced over to Phil who was leaning on the counter, waiting for their drinks.

"I think the awkwardness is endearing." Allison said. My laughter slowly got quieter until it was an uncomfortable cough. She smiled at me while my attention fell back onto Phil. He was walking towards us with two cups in his hand. One had his named sprawled out while the other had Allison's name.

"You didn't get my drink?" I asked and pouted at him. "You always get my drink, Philly. Do you not love me anymore?" Phil looked shocked at my question and Allison furrowed her brow in confusion. I let it go on for a little longer before laughing it off.

"I'm just kidding, Philadelphia. I'll go get my own." I stood up and left the couple sitting there. I went over to the counter and stood there looking up at the options. I wasn't really in the mood for coffee so I told the barista that I'll just have a plain hot chocolate. She left to go make the drink while I looked back over to Phil and Allison.

I wasn't lying when I said that Phil usually gets my drink. I was lying when I said I was kidding though. For some stupid reason, it made me feel forgotten. I know it's childish to feel something like that but like I said, Phil had barely spent time with me ever since they started dating. It started with him being gone for a couple of hours but those hours got longer and a day turned into days.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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