The Fate of Fire

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Soul Savior

A Scyther's Novel

The Fate Of Fire

The Old Ones created the gods, but the gods were cold, soulless, unfeeling creatures, and this angered the Old Ones. They decided to destroy their children, but they couldn’t bring themselves to do so. Instead they sought a way to give life, TRUE life, to them. They could not find a way to do it directly, so they began trying indirectly. They created many species, seeking a way to create a soul, but on this cold planet, it never worked.

In their last attempt they created the dragons. The dragons were smart creatures, and were drawn to heat; they made their way to the core of the earth over time, and consumed the heat, growing a fire in their stomachs. Through the fire, souls were formed, and when the Old Ones found of this, they brought the oldest of the dragons to the gods, who resided on a kingdom called Main, and had him breathe his fire.

The gods were reborn, but the dragon was treacherous, and stole the souls of the Old Ones, and they perished. The oldest of the Old One’s soul used its last bit of power to forever link souls to the power of fire, and the world went on, with nothing but a prophecy known to the gods of Main.

The Dragons that descended from the Evil one, known today as Chise, held the power of death and of life, without the descendants even realizing so.

With the death of dragons comes the death of fire,

And in the cold every soul will tire

All to perish within three days

And all creatures will pass through the haze

Cold and evil they will roam

Without a place to truly call home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2012 ⏰

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