Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

Well so far both Colin and I enjoy the same type of music, I even learned that he plays the guitar and sings often. We even enjoy hot chocolate with cinnamon.

As we get to our first class, English, we are greeted by Sebastian. "Hey guys!" He says as we make our way into room 22. I groan. "Ms. Smurfit was so annoying last year. She's only like two years out of college and she treats us like we're 20 years younger than her." Sebastian agrees considering we were in the same class last year and he knows that all I ever did was draw or write short stories in my journal, instead of taking the notes she had us copy everyday. Colin just awkwardly walks alongside me as Seb and I inform him about last year.

"I mean, I don't want to tell you all these things before you get to meet her yourself, but I do want to give you a warning before you get your hopes up. " He smiles and nods, then takes the sit to my right, whilst Sebastian takes a seat to my left. We sit in the absolute last row of desks at the back of the decently large classroom. The class is at an idle chatter when you are able to hear the sound of heels inching their way closer to the room. As they get closer and closer,vine conversations seem to diminish and the whispers begin to start. She then walks into the room.

"Good morning class, welcome back. I do hope all you lovely people had a lovely summer break." She says to us the way a pre-school teacher talks to one of their students. I roll my eyes, and I hear Colin faintly sigh as if he was letting go of the hope that I was possibly exaggerating. When I turn to look at Seb, his head is in his hands and he already looks half asleep as Ms. Smurfit continues to drone on about the privileges of being a senior and how what we do now reflects on our future.

Another two minutes passes and the room becomes awkwardly silent. I make my way out of the trance I had slipped into staring at the blackboard. "Jen." I hear, but it doesn't fully register. I feel a tap on my soldier, turning to my right, Colin is staring at me.

"What?"'I ask and he just smiles and points towards the front of the room. I turn back around to face the front, as I do I hear a bunch of giggles and see everyone staring at me. "Nice of you to return to us, Jen." Ms. Smurfit tells me smiling. "Sorry.." I mumble. "It's quite alright, I was asking you if would care to help Mr. O'Donoghue around the school for this week? As long as he doesn't' distract you from your settling back into the year." She finishes with a smile. "Sure. It would be no problem." I tell her, she nods, and then continues to go over the syllabus for the upcoming school year.

As soon as I begin to enter another trance, a paper is thrown onto my desk. I quietly take it off my desk and move it to my lap. Discretely, I unfold it.

Jen meet me at the pool during 5th period ;)


I blush then fold the paper over to a clean side and take out my pen. Scribbling onto the paper: Looking forward to it! I fold the paper back over and toss it back to Seb.  I continue to blush while he opens it. When I glance over, Sebby is smiling and quickly meets my gaze. He winks causing me to blush even more. I look to my right, and Colin is sitting ther partially listening to Ms.Smurfit while staring at me awkwardly.

"Colin? Is everything okay?" I asked concerned. He just continues to stare, until I wave my hand in front of his face. He starts to blush and rub the back of his neck nervously. "Oh..heh heh.. Sorry... I uhh... I got lost in thought I guess." He says trying to avert my gaze. I shrug it off and finally decide to listen to Ms. Smurfit.

Five minutes later, the bell rings signaling for us to make our way to second period. The three of us, along with the rest of the class, shuffle our way out the door and into the sea of scared freshman, "invisible" sophomores, a few juniors, and the rest of the "high and mighty" seniors. This is probably the one thing that I will never miss about high school, the incredibly crowded hallways that make you feel like your stuck in a mess of smelly, pubescent teenagers for half of your life.

"This is definitely one thing that reminds me of Ireland." Colin practically shouts in my ear over the chaos of people trying to find there next class. "What? This is pure madness!" I say dumbfounded. "I know." He chuckles. "I didn't say that I liked it, I just said that it reminds me of Ireland. It's one of the things that are the same." He says smiling, looking down. He continues to walk with his head down for the next few inches. I can even see his jaw clenching harder and harder every step like he's in pain.

"Colin? Are yo-....?" I try to ask, but he cuts me off. "Where's the bathroom?" He says aggressively, still not meeting my gaze. I point down the hall a little ways. "Its right there." He rushes forward, pushing everyone out of the way. "Colin!" I scream after him, but he's already in the bathroom and the door is closing.

Sebastian comes up from behind me. I actually hadn't even realized he was gone. "Oh god. I got stuck within the group of mini mites back there." He says gesturing towards a group of freshman. "Where'd Colin go?" He asks looking around for him. "I don't know. He started talking about Ireland, and then he got really quiet and asked where the bathroom was. When I told him, he went running and then you came up." I say worried about what could have happened. Did I say something? Was I too pushy? Am I annoying him? Sebastian breaks me out of my own mind.

"Well I'm sure he'll be fine. Come on, you're gonna be late for class." He says placing his hand on the small of my back to guide me along towards my Math class. "Wait? Where do you have to go to?" I ask Seb considering he said that only I would be late for class. "I have study hall." He shrugs right as we stop in front of the door.

"So I will see YOU later." He smirks. I blush as he leans over to kiss my cheek, causing me to blush even more. "Have fun in math, beautiful." He winks and walks away towards his study hall.

Still blushing I walk into my classroom, and take a seat towards the back of the room as I always do. Scanning the room I see a few people I know. In the front, as eager as she always is, I see Emile de Ravin. She's such a sweet heart who gets so much grief because she likes to learn. Looking around further I notice the empty desk next to me and see that Colin never made it. Where the hell could he be? Mrs. Ross walks in after about two minutes. She asks the basic questions as well: How was everyone's summer? Are you excited about the year? So on and so forth.

Just as she's about to hand out the syllabus, Colin walks in and he looks like a mess. His eyes are red and puffy, and his cheeks are tear stained. What happened to him?

"Sorry I'm late ma'am. I got a lil' lost." He says trying to put on a nice smile, but it looks as if it is paining him. Like smiling hurts him too much. "Don't worry about it Mr...?"

"O'Donoghue. Colin." He tells her as she looks at her roster to make sure he is indeed in the right classroom. "Oh yes indeed, you're in the right room. Why don't you take a seat next to Ms. Morrison in the back." She tells him waving her hand in my direction. He nods and makes his way towards me. As he passes, almost every single girl stares at him and the look like they're going to swoon.

I smile at him and he tries to muster a smile in return. Its silent for a second, and Mrs. Ross begins to chatter again and everyone turns their attention towards her.

"Colin...?" I try to ask again if he's okay.

"Don't worry about it." He snaps. "I'm trying to pay attention." He says, not looking at me once.

I sigh, realizing that I'm not going to win. In defeat, I turn towards the front of the room and listen to Mrs. Ross drone on.

What are you hiding, Colin?


WHATS UP PEOPLE!! I hope you enjoy chapter 2. I'm trying to update soon, but I've been super busy. But I mean, what else is there to do in urgent care? Please remember to vote and comment if you like it.


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