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*Skipped through the week to Saturday*

Ping ping ping

I woke up hearing something I look
At my phone then i saw it was Joslyn wanting to face time

I answered it and saw my beautiful girlfriend

J :Hey y/n
Hey baby good morning
J:good morning
So what's you gonna do today
J:so my parents left this morning to go on a vacation so u wanna come over
Yeah definitely
J:ok can't wait to see u  bye baby

I got ready and went downstairs and saw my mom
"Can this weekend I stay at a friends house"
"Sure , but make sure u bring a change of clothes"
I know I already got them ok ,do you need be to drive u there"
"Nope, bye mom"

I walked to Joslyn house for 10 minutes
I knocked on her door and it opened right away

"U was waiting for me at the door"
She just laughed

I walked in and put my clothes on the table and was about to change into some shorts I went up stairs to the bathroom and changed.

I went to her room and saw her on her phone waiting for me .I went in their and took her phone to get her attention
"Baby u gonna just be on your phone when you got a sexy girlfriend right next to you"

She kissed my neck making me get all weak then she took her phone back and put it on the table she cane next to me and started to cuddle into me

I wrapped my arms around pecking her face with kisses

We layed there for about a 30mins until wanted to go get some snacks
Babygirl you want to go somewhere

Wanna go to the store

We left to go to the store
While we was holding hands
"Baby how lucky I got to have you" I asked

When we got to store we started to get hella snacks and goofing around and recording it. "Babe we need to stick in these she said while I was recording her .she picked up some pineapples i gasped I never knew how freaky she was 😏.

After we left the store me and her went home to her house. We was just cuddling watching Netflix. I was just staring at her looking at how beautiful she was. What you staring at she said playfully

"You " can you sing for me babe".
She looked at me then started singing
*after song*
U really need to get signed to a label or something because you have something special.
I gave her a kiss the it got heated  she moaned a little
She straddled me and kissed my neck and leaving hella hickeys
Then I grabbed her ass "fuck"
I turned us around and stated giving her hickeys "y/n" what's my name
Papi  I always get worked up when she does that I lifted up her shirt and kissed her stomach until ther where hickeys on her stomach all the way down right above her.........😏 next part will be posted soon😍😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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