Tags (1)

31 3 9

I was tagged by lovelyweekes and cement-kissed (Thanks you wankers<33)

So here's the deal:

~ ~ ~ Rules ~ ~ ~

A. Gotta post rules

B. Say 5 facts about yourself

C. Tag 15 frens (not in the comment or repost)

D. Do it by the end of the week or I'll tell on you


1. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland (and yes that does make me Scottish and no, I don't sound like Merida from Brave)

2. I'm bisexual but I'm not out to my family yet, prolly waiting until I move out and maybe in a different country.

3. I'm 17 years old and I'm in my senior year of high school

4. I have like over 30 internet friends and 8 irl friends (whoops)

5. I really like wearing band tees and guy shirts because they're comfy af and just look better than girl clothes sometimes (Comment your opinion but I prolly won't care if its negative, I will prolly fight you irl, just turn your location on).


Hope you enjoyed that, now to tag some fuckers:









I only tagged a few people whoops I'm a rebel, fucking fight me

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