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Dick, Barbara, Jason, Tim, Damian and Lucy are in a car headed to the bowling alley near the Manor. The group was arguing about what artist they should listen to on the radio.

Dick: *switches Taylor Swift to Twenty Øne Pilots*

Barbara: HEY!!!

Jason: *reaches for the radio and switches to Fall Out Boy* Much better.

Dick: JASON!!!

Tim: *glares at Jason and switches radio to Maroon Five*

Jason: You're next on my shoot list replacement...*reaches for his gun*

Lucy: *separates the boys from each other* Okay...let's calm down a little and ask Damian for his opinion on the matter on hand.

Damian: *reaches for the radio and switches to One Direction*

Everyone else: REALLY?!??!

Damian: What?

Lucy: That's it! *switches to OneRepublic* ARE WE GOOD NOW?!?!

Everyone else: Fine...

*A few minutes later, everyone starts to sing Something I Need*

Everyone: You've got something I need. In this world full of people, there's one killing me. And if we only die once, I wanna die with you!!!!

Dick: Looks like we reached our final destination....time to go down.

Everyone else: Awwwwwww...

Barbara: Oh well...

*everyone, except Dick, goes down**Dick tries to find a parking space*

Dick: Can't a guy, who fights crime at night, just have one day off and find a damn parking spot! Just a single parking spot for God's sake!!! *spots an empty parking spot* FINALLY!!! *another car claims the empty spot* Son of a B*tch!


Tim: What's taking him so long?

Lucy: Probably parking troubles again.

Barbara: Poor guy, that's the fourth one this week.

Jason: Why don't we all get our bowling shoes first and wait for him in our lanes.

Everyone else: *nods*

Damian: Who's teaming up with who?

Lucy: I'm with Jase!!! *High fives with Jason*

Tim: Same! *Fist bumps Jason*

Jason: Team Red for life!!!

Barbara: Puh-lease...Team Bats is sooooo gonna kick your asses just like the last time! *High fives Damian*

Damian: Gordon's right, Todd.

Jason: Wanna bet? *Stares at Damian* *Damian stares back*

Dick: *Swings the doors open and walks in like some sort of super star* LETS DO THIS!!!

*The teams go to their bowling lanes and start to get ready* *Jason and Dick go first*

Jason: *grabs the heaviest bowling ball and glares at Dick*

Dick: *grabs a random blue bowling ball and glares back at Jason*

*the two get closer to the bowling lane*

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