The Awakening: I

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From an early age, children have been taught why citizens live the way we do with creatures like the Heartless. If memory serves me correctly, it was the greed in the people's hearts. The Worlds' used to be connected, however, due to the darkness born in our hearts, not only were the people engulfed in their darkness, the World soon fell into the same fate. The remaining light were in the hearts of children, and due to the innocent hearts, it was enough to bring the World back with the little fragments of light, except it was not enough to bring the Worlds' together. That is why, to this day, we are all scattered and still afraid under the influence of the Heartless. Like many problems, there is always a solution. Historians have discovered that there was a prophecy. No evidence showing when it came to be, it is only said that, "the one who holds the key will save the world". Historians linked their research back to the Keyblade War, a great war that has long been forgotten, or hardly spoken at all, as it was a reminder of the selfish acts of mankind. How mankind brought the World to ruin and what humans are capable of. Despite what mankind has done, the problem still at hand is the Heartless. Their numbers are rapidly increasing, and their defenses are growing stronger. The reason why I must join H.E.R.O.E.S are similar in many aspects of others, but at the same time it's personal. Although we fight to save others, it will not give us a solution to rid the darkness. We physically cannot get rid of darkness, because where there is light, there is darkness. However, we can find the solution by working together for the same goal; which is to live in safety. Even if the Heartless' aren't gone, I want to assure citizens to walk outside at night; in safety. I am willing to stake my life in finding this "key" and fighting by their side for a better future. Dear Fates, I am Oerba Yun Xià. Hear my prayers.

Why do you want to join H.E.R.O.E.S? Student Application: OERBA, Yun Xià.

A man in his mid-thirties decided to take a coffee break after concluding that his numb lower torso needed a stretch from hours of lounging in the cabin of a private Gummiship. Although he could have it made and delivered to him, he wanted to use this excuse to bother a certain inferior, but stopped midway from his plans when he caught sight of the applications to join the cause of what he fought for. It was his job to announce who was accepted by the Fates, so he found no harm in taking a read on what students have said. It wasn't until he came to the last one did a smile grace his lips. It was someone he knew well, due to a kin. After reading and rereading the same application, he chuckles lightly in amusement, crinkling his eyes in endearment. The sudden laugh caught the attention of the bodyguard he had been looking to make joke of.

"I don't recall reading through applications as part of your job." Her stern, yet sultry voice caught the attention of his ears, like a radio picking up sound.

He turned to find a young woman in her early to mid-twenties in light body armour (lighter from what she usually wears), still tight as ever as it hugs onto her curvaceous figure, arms folded with a disappointed look that says, "you have some explaining to do". He sent her an innocent grin, despite knowing full-well he was caught red-handed.

"Well it's not like I'm breaking the law." He laughed nervously, scratching the side of his stubbles.

"No, but with your luck, you probably tainted the applications." She retorted, a gloved-hand outstretched for him to return the applications.

The man sighed in defeat. "You were always quite the stern one." He handed the applications over to her gentle-deceiving hands. It's a wonder how many people she's attacked with those hands.

"Somebody has to be." She said, placing the applications neatly back on the desk the man found it on. "Now, old goat, it's time for you to return to your seat. We'll be landing shortly."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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