Chapter 3

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2 months later...

"Are you going to mariahs party?" arielle asked "yeah totally!" I say with a light shout. "come to my house at7:00 we will get to the party by 8:00, okay?" arielle asks. "okay, see you then" I leave get in my car and get ready for the party. I put my dress and my heels in a bag. I make sure i have my phone and keys and head out the door. I call her  ~ hey, I'm on my way over early is that ok?~I ask ~ yeah that's fine,I was going to call you and ask because I need help with my make up~ she says with relief.I hed over to her house,i turn the corner and I see it, big blue, with the main bedroom that we hang out in every other week. I see  arielle's long dark hair as i pulll up in the drive way, and smile as I see her open the door.  "Hi chathrine!" she shouts with rollers in her hair. I laugh "Hi!" i grab my things and i head into her house and up to her room. She sits down on the chair, "are you ready for tonight?" she asks? "oh im ready" I reply with a smile.  I throw my hair up in a bun and throw on my black dress with a low cut lace in the back. i put on a natraul look of makeup and some light pink lip stick, that arielle thoguht would go perfect with my dirty blondish hair. I don't put my heels on yet , becuase i know ill be busy n them all night. So I take my hair out the bun, and I start to flat iron it.  Arielle takes the rollers out of her hair and we both laugh becuase she had rollers in her hair but her hair looked nice, she said she was going fo a hot and sexy beach wave kinda look. She put on some cream lip stick and i put a natraul but bold make up look on her. We both had our dresses on, our make up and hair done, and we were ready to go to the party.Arielle looked so pretty i couldn't help my self from "checking her out a few times" We hopped in ther car and blasted the music ready for a fun night. We both new right where mariahs house was becuase it's on of the biggest houses we have both ever seen. Her Mom is a lawyr and her dad is a brain sergent. She has a huge house with a huge back yard!She has 3 buttlers and 6 maids! and her parents don't care what she does becuase some how she's a straight A+ student. She has the cutest boyfriend!He's the CB of the football team and is about 5'9 tall. He has dark hair and brown eyes, every girl wants to have a chance with him but they know they can't have him becuase he's with mariah. But see you would think that since mariah has a perfect boyfriend,lots of money and perfect grades she would be stuck up. Belive it or not she is not!She is one of me and arielle's good friends i have known her since 1st grade. We pull up at about 9:45 and the party aready had alot of people!Theres about 250 people there, and when we hop out of the car a man asks if he can park our car he has a uniform on and mariah siad that there would be people parking your cars there so i go ahead and hand him the keys and me and arielle go in.

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