stolen my heart

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I walked down stairs to see my big brother stiles i laugh and he and his friends turn to me "um what the hell are you wearing" stiles asked shit he doesn't know about me i think fast "paint balling" they nod but the older one myabe late 20 just washed me with a evil eye weird "well have fun vivian" "wil do stiles love you" he blew me a kiss and i couhgt it truth is i only did it to make it seem as im a little girl he laughs and i walked past his friend and got on my bike that i hide in a shyed in the woods and drove to the argents house i walked to th garage typer the code in and walked in to see Chris and kat and VIctoria "wheres allison" i asked "sleeping so keep it down" i nod and she leaves "ok my amazing little hunter where should we start" "well i think we should start but the hale house and work are way out" "up to you i mean your better then me and chris put together" oh yeah i am and im only 17 "okay then lets go we dont use the whistles no guns bows and lace them with wolfsbane" they nod and i got on my bike and drove to the hale house i got off my bike and every one else did to "         "no one leaves the group with out another person" they nod "ric your with me" "oh yeah" he whisper yelled i laugh and we walked up to the portch and the door was open sorta of, i stood on the rail "get down" chris says i laugh and put my hands on the roof and pulled my self up "be careful at least" "always am chris" he laughs and i saw a open window and crawled through i waited for movent and i covered my own mouth and listen for breathing nothing so i hop down and walked through each room and then down the stairs and to the front door i messed with them all i slowly turn the door nob and slowly pulled it open they point there guns "what did i tell you boys not to play with big girl toys" they laugh "sorry ad" i laugh "what ever theres no one hear so lets just head home" they walked back and a theres a creek i turn to see a shadow and it went away i sigh and some one was infront of me i think i reached out and touched it it was furry the alpha it growled and threw me to a wall "well thats not nice" i said standing up it growled i laugh it lunged and i shot a blow dart at it it limped away"asshole you tore my shirt" i yelled and got went outside "are you guys okay" i askes after they got up "yeah you" "i got my pretty shirt ripped" they laugh "omay well i hate to ask this but i need you to cover me in paint balls" they make what the fuck faces "why" chris asked "because my brother and his firend were down stairs so i lied saying i was going paint balling" "works for me" anthony says i laugh and gave him the paint ball gun he shot me over and over and over and a few more he aimed for my head "do it and you get them shot at your balls" i said he gave it back "thanks now have to go love you guys" they said i love you back and i got on my bike and drove home and parks my bike in the shed and walked back to the house and walked in to see stiles and scott and that guy here i skipped over to him "whoa you looked like you had a good time" i laugh "yeah then rileys parentss told him to get his butt home so he left and i came back" he nods "whats with the word butt why dont you say a-" i cover the guys mouth "no swearing" he nods an i let go "okay well im tired so night sty" he laughs and kissed my head "love you to viv " i giggle god i hate this act "night scotty" "night little one" i pout "im a year younger then you and way prettier" he laughs "okay what ever viv love you" "love you to scotty" an i skipped to my room and i walked to my room and took my long sleeve off and saw a scratch mark on my shoulder i sigh and turn to see that guy "um can i help you" he stood there "what happen to your arm" 'when you play in the woods at night anything can happen" i said he nods "okay well i just wanted to check because i saw your shirt ripped so i wanted to see if your okay my names derek derek hale" i nod "nice to meet you" "like wise" he says and leaves shit i have to call kate 

"hello" she asked tiredly 

"kate im sorry but we need to talk" 

"what happen" she asked wide awake now

"i met your ex" she laughs 

"honey i have a few which one" 

"derek" she sighs

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