Chapter 37- Blame me

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Me and James are trying to walk by Ms.Kate's office to see/hear what's going on but we aren't doing a very good job at it. I've made eye contact with Ms.Kate like 3 times now and I'm pretty sure she's getting a little bit suspicious. It's actually quite hard to sneak around and not be noticed, I could never be a spy. "What's happening?" James whispers to me while I try to look through the windows. All of a sudden I hit direct eye contact with all three of them and I start to panic. "Duck!" I whisper-yell, pulling James down beside me. "What are you guys doing?" I hear Thalia come up behind us almost blowing out cover. I forgot the whole team was still in the room with us and they were looking at me and James like we were from anther plant. "Okay you two that's enough. Come in please" Before I can answer Thalia's question Ms.Kate appears around the corner and asks us to come into her office. I really didn't want to be dragged into this again and I definitely didn't want to be in the same room as Eldon and Emily.

Me and James walk in with our heads down trying not to make eye contact with anyone. "You do know we saw you guys walking around the office trying to peek in through the door and Windows" Ms.Kate says raising an eyebrow, trying to be serious but laughing a little at are childish behavior. "James, Riley you are part of this as well so why don't you two take a seat and we all talk about what's happening here" Ms.Kate suggests. I sit down looking over at James a little bit panicked his eyes look into mine and I already know what he's thinking, 'Don't even worry about riles'. For some reason James made me feel safe in these type of situations, he was always so grounded and calm, I don't know how he does it. "Riley and James would you care to explain why Eldon and Emily are here?" Ms.Kate looks at the both of us and I'm speechless. I really didn't want to be involved anymore! "Well um you see-" I try to talk looking over at Emily and Eldon but all I do is stutter before James takes over. "Riley over heard you guys talking about skipping dance and going to the mall. Eldon told me back at our dorm about how you, emily wanted him to skip but he didn't want to. He was afraid but I guess Emily pressured him into doing it and he ended up going. Than he goes and lies to you, Ms.Kate saying he was sick. I knew about the incident and I couldn't just let it slip. I though at the time that telling Ms.Kate the truth would solve everything but now I know what damage I've done. I was the one that told the team and Ms.Mate that you guys skipped and that's why you are here now. Riley really didn't have anything to do with it so if you want to blame anyone for ratting you out than blame me, it was all my fault. None of this would of happened if I didn't tell Ms.Kate nor the team about you guys" James peeps up. I can't believe he would take all the blame like that.

"James how could you! This was none of your business and I only told you because I thought I could trust you! I thought we were friends" Eldon bursts out. "Eldon now is not the time to start a fight. We will get this all sorted out. James thank you for being honest with me and your team mates. You did the right thing, as for Riley you can leave since you have no other part in this. James if you want you can stay but you're not needed either. I would just like to talk to Emily and Eldon for now" Ms.Kate says kindly.
"Wow James just wow! Thanks a lot and Riley don't think your innocent either. I don't care what James says about you not being involved, you clearly knew about it as well. I bet this was you and James' plan all along wasn't it?" Emily snarks glaring at me and making me feel horrible. This is why I didn't want to tell anyone! Because I knew that Everyone would jump to conclusions and get mad at me and James. "Emily I wasn't listening in on your conversation on purpose! It just happened and why would me and James go behind your guys backs and plan to tell Ms.Kate to get you into trouble. You're still my sister em and you're still my friend Eldon. Even though you did something really bad I still forgive you guys and I wasn't going to tell Ms.Kate because I knew it would cause drama. I thought about telling her but I didn't. James loves you like a brother Eldon and he only did it because he knew in the long run, if Ms.Kate found out it would just make things worse. I didn't understand at first why he would tell Ms.Kate but than I realized that he actually cares about you two. We both do and that's why we had to tell Ms.Kate the truth" I explain. "If you cared about us so much you would of just left us alone to do our own thing! Now we are going to to probably get kicked out, so thanks for caring about us" Emily says in sarcasm gusting all upset at me. I can't handle this anymore! I'm done. "Riley!" I hear Eldon call after me but I just storm off not paying attention to anyone.


Right now I'm caught in the middle of a big problem. Today has been a good day and than I come to dance and everything goes down hill. I get called into Ms.Kate's office and now I'm in trouble because James, my so called 'friend' told on me and Emily. I knew it! I knew if we skipped something bad would happen. I told Emily and she didn't listen and now I have no idea what's going to happen to us.

I'm mad at James because he's the one that told on us! But I'm even more mad at Emily because this was her dumb plan in the first place and if I didn't go with her than I wouldn't be siting here in Ms.Kate's office right now. I already knew that Riley knew about me skipping she told me earlier today but than Emily just totally yelled at her saying it was all her fault, which it wasn't! So that made me even more pissed at Emily. Emily just doesn't know when to quite!

And now I feel really bad for Riley because she got dragged into something she had no control over. James me and Emily all could of done something to make this not happen but Riley was just listening into a conversation she didn't mean to hear. "Okay, seriously Emily? I told you Riley has nothing else to do with this! She actually kept her mouth shut and didn't tell Ms.Kate so that we wouldn't fight like this. She felt disappointed in you two for skipping, she told me how upset it made her and how she couldn't believe you two would do such a thing but she still didn't tell. I did so for the last time blame me!" James states.

"James thank you for sticking up for Riley but let's just give her some time. All this arguing is stressing her out maybe I should just talk with Emily and Eldon alone now" Ms.Kate escorts James to the door so that he can leave without causing anymore eruptions. "Now for you two. What were you thinking Emily? Skipping dance to go to the mall" Ms.Kate comes back to discuss the rest of the situation with us. "I told her not too! God I should of listed to my gut" I speak up.

"Eldon not now. We will get to your side of the sorry later" Ms.Kate says trying to be patient. "I just thought it would be fun to go and hang out at the mall with my best friend who's now in B-Troupe and my boyfriend. Ms.Kate we dance all the time! I just needed a break" Emily replies not really caring about how she got caught". "Emily we are preparing for the biggest competition of the season. It's every dancers dream to be on that international's stage. Why aren't you slightly excited? All these people are on this team for one reason, to get it international's and win! They aren't here thinking about the new purse they saw the other day in the catalog. There here because they want to improve their dancing, they want to make their tricks and turns flawless for the competition. Maybe your just not committed enough like the others. Maybe this isn't your passion anymore" Ms.Kate explains. "Maybe it's not!" Emily states getting up and Storming out of her chair.

"Okay than. Listen Ms.Kate I am really sorry for skipping. Emily forced me too! I know I should of said no but I couldn't for some reason. I'm also sorry for lying to you it wasn't right of me and i feel horrible for doing it. This is like my second home and I would be lost without you guys! I mean it when I say that. I want to go to international's and I'll work extra hard to get me and my team there" I say to Ms.Kate trying to convince her not to kick me out. "Eldon if your trying to sugar coat me it's not working but I do see where you're coming from. It was a mistake, everyone makes them and thank you for apologizing for it. I know that the team needs you and you need them"

"So your not going to kick me or Emily out? Or take away my co-captaincy?" I ask trying not to shake. "Of course not Eldon! I was mad at first but than I realized that people make dumb decisions sometimes and they get caught in the middle of it. Just learn from this mistake and don't do it again. I know how responsible and focused you can be, you take dance very seriously so why would I kick out my best dancer? Come here" Ms.Kate says, smiling and getting up to give me a hug. "Thanks Ms.Kate" i respond so relieved that I didn't loose my spot on A-troupe. "But don't think you get off so easily you are going to have to come in one evening and woke the hours you've missed" she explains. "Of course! Dance is my life and I would do it everyday all day. What about Emily and Stephanie will they get the same punishment?" I ask. "Well I still need to talk to Emily and ask if she still wants to be on this team. If she does than yes she'll have to make up for the hours she missed. As for Stephanie I don't know, I'm not her teacher anymore so that's something she and I will have to discuss with her couch. She's in B-Troupe, isn't that punishment enough? Shh don't tell anyone I said that" Ms.Kate laughs it's off and I giggle a little at her rude humor.

I am so glad all this drama is finally over! Now I can go back to my dance like, everyone can. Ms.Kate didn't kick me out and I thank her for that because I don't know what I would do if she did.

Emily on the hand is another thing I need to worry about. I honestly don't think this relationship can keep going on...

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