Chapter 1 - Mixed Emotions

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Maka's POV

I was in school library reading "Brace Yourself". It was my favorite book I had read so far since I came here to to DWMA. I heard a lot of commotion so I decided to take a break and investigate. It end up being a fight. Soul Evans a troublemaker, and his best friend Black Star were beating up this guy who was trying to force his way on another girl from another class. When they were finished, the intercom came on. "Maka Albarn and Soul Evans, please come to my office immediately." That was Lord Death's voice... I hope he wasn't gonna talk to me about finding a partner again... He glanced at me and then started walking toward the hallway leading to his office. What does he want Soul for? I see everyone whispering and laughing as I walk down the hallway. 

A little while later....

I reached the hallway and eventually caught up with Soul. We were now at the mirror to go through. When we walked through there, I didn't see my dad for once. That's strange though considering that he always is there. "You called...?" Soul asked putting his hands behind his head. "Actually yes, I called the both of you here for a reason. You know each other or seen each other around, right?" he asked. "Yeah.." I replied. "I guess." he replied. "Well, it might be a surprise to you but you're getting married." he said. "Huh? Please....As if I'd get with a flat-chested girl like her." Soul replied. Did he just call me flat-chested?! I stayed silent. "That wasn't very nice, but it's not a lie. You guys have had an arranged marriage since you were born." Lord Death explained. "So you mean, I HAVE TO MARRY HIM?!" I yelled. I never want to marry him of all people. He gets into fights and is so lazy. He's my complete opposite! "Yep." Lord Death replied quickly. "That is so NOT cool." Soul sighed.  "That's not all, Soul is a weapon, so since he doesn't have Miester, he is now officially your partner. After all, its a good way for you guys to get to know each other." Lord Death turning his back. We turned to each other. "I'm not marrying you." we say in unison. "There isn't another thing to be said about it. You two are getting married in 2 weeks officially and to seal it, Maka is to be....pregnant."Lord Death sighed. WHAT?! "I'm not giving him my first time! Can't we divorce the week after the wedding?" I ask desperately. Crap, I just gave it away.."No, unless once you are expecting with Soul's child and you choose to. The fact that you're supposed to expecting is to seal the marriage. I think it isn't smart decision to raise the child without a father." Lord Death said in a serious tone. "She is gonna be my Miester?!" Soul yelled. "Yes, Maka is excellent with a scythe." Lord Death replied. "Is there any other thing that your gonna drop on us?" I said annoyed. "Well, I've arranged for you to be in the same dorm. That is all." Lord Death said walking toward the other side of the room. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" we yell in unison once again. "I suggest you take the day off and unpack." Lord Death said before disappearing. We glared at each other and then stormed out the mirror. It was silence for the rest of the day. 

Maka and Soul wanted to avoid each other so they waited until the end of the day....

I was talking to Tsubaki, my best friend. I told her everything as long as she agreed not to tell anyone else. I almost forgot that Soul and I were going to be living with each other from now on. This is going to be stressful. Lord Death told us to go shopping for stuff like a couple too. I am so not happy with this. It was only 4, so I went to my new home. When I came in, Soul was already there but he was looking around so I assumed he just got there. "Hey." he said turning his head in my direction. "Hi." I replied. He had sharp shark-like teeth, white hair and red eyes. I hadn't really gotten that good of a look yet now that I think about it. "Are you gonna keep staring or are we gonna go?" he said frowning. We should really introduce ourselves. Here goes nothing... "A-Actually I was hoping we could introduce ourselves before we go..." I said straightening my posture. "Sure I guess...I'm Soul Eater Evans. I prefer Soul." he said sticking his hands in his pockets. "I'm Maka Albarn, a meister. My mother used to go here and turned my unfortunate cheater of a father into a death scythe." I say closing my eyes. "Cool." He replied. "W-Would you mind showing me your weapon form?" I asked. "You're my meister I guess, so why not." he said while a light surrounded him. A long scythe appeared from the light when it disappeared. I grabbed it and spun it around a few times and got into battle stance. His soul wave-length was about the same, just a little bigger. It felt natural, I must admit. "Lord Death wasn't lying when he said you were good with a scythe." he said. "Thanks." I said putting him down. "He transformed back into his regular self. "Shall we head out?" I ask. "Yeah, we'll take my motorcycle." he said going out the door.

Soul Eater: Arranged Marriage: Soul x MakaWhere stories live. Discover now