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Josh couldn't believe what that little fucker had done. Dragging him into a stairwell and teasing him, gripping his cock and letting the guard to feel him up. All for what? Food? And then when they got to the good part, Tyler's pretty plump pink lips wrapped around his cock, the fucking brat couldn't handle it and stormed off, leaving Josh to deal with his problem.

And Josh had to release some frustration from his system so he took it out on some inmate. The guy hadn't done anything to Josh to piss him off of course, he was just the first person Josh saw.

Watching the guard's pick the inmate up and drag him to the nurses afterward filled his stomach with a sick sense of pride.

And the fact that Tyler had been watching nearly made his cock jump in excitement. He had sensed the brunettes stare on him the entire time but it was only when he looked up, wiping blood off, did he see the little twink.

But now, as he paced back and forth in the guard break room, his uniform still stained with blood from the beatdown, he couldn't help but wonder what crossed Tyler's mind when he saw Josh nearly breaking that guys face.

Had he been scared? No. There's no way. Tyler was a murderer, Josh had read the boys criminal record the week before Joseph's arrival. He's looked death in the face a million times over, from choking the life out of some store clerk to stabbing a man multiple times to even nearly getting shot the day he was aprehended. Tyler wasnt afraid of anything Josh had done. No, in fact, when Josh had looked up and caught the inmate staring at him he saw a little bit of... Admiration.

Of course Tyler was admired by violence; he thrived off it. He was like a lion, constantly on the prowl. Maybe not causing the chaos but always apart of it somehow. Keeping a watchful eye out.

And somehow, Josh was intrigued by that.


The inmate was having a good day so far. No sign from Dun, no sign of his chaotic nature bashing through his cell and beating him into oblivion like Alex had claimed there would be.

Tyler sighed happily, breathing in the hot air as he walked across the grounds. He had actually gone outside for once today, walking without reason. His eyes scanning over his fellow inmates. Half of them had bald heads, beards and their arms were littered with tattoos. A lot even had scars from what Tyler guessed was from fights or maybe even stab wounds. Who knew?

The younger brunette took a seat at a bench near the basketball court, watching the current game going down.

"You play?" Alex asked, coming off the court, his overalls around his waist and showing off his lean stomach and narrow hips.

Tyler nodded. "I played through high school. Mom made me do five hundred shots a day."

"Jesus Christ, five hundred a day?"

The younger brunette shrugged. "Said it'd help my aim or whatever. Wanted me to work hard. Guess she never figured I'd end up here."

Alex nodded, eyes drifting to the side. "Well, you wanna play? We need an extra person."

Tyler nodded, standing and following the taller male onto the court, catching the ball as it was thrown his way, immediately scoring a net as he threw it.

Tyler followed Alex's lead, stripping his overall down until it lay open at his waist, revealing the tattoos he had scrawled out on his chest and elbow.

The game pursued on until Tyler went to jump and knock the ball out of the air and instead elbowed one of the other guys in the nose, immediately it started to bleed, gushing over the guys hands, face and clothes as he tried to stop it.

"Dude what the fuck!" The guy shouted, pushing Tyler back.

"It was a fucking accident. Chill."

"Chill? You want me to chill? You probably just broke my fucking nose."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "If it was broken, you'd know it."

The inmate growled at the brunette before surging forward and knocking Tyler down on the concrete, scraping the brunettes elbows in the process; blood now trickling from the scrapes as well.

The inmate straddled Tyler, pinning his arms with his knees before raising his fist and connecting it with Tyler's face, jaw and eye.

Tyler struggled under the weight of the man, raising his knees, almost hitting the inmate atop him before they were pulled, the other inmates that were on the court pinning them down.

Tyler saw Alex's face flash above him as he tried to pull the guy off Tyler, only to be pushed to the side by a guard as he broke into the fight.

"Fucking knock it off, Eric." The guard sneered, grabbing Erics hair before practically ripping him away from the bruised and beaten Tyler.

Tyler spat out the blood that had pooled in his mouth before flipping over, kicking away the other inmates at his feet before tackling Eric, this time he connected his bloodied elbow to Erics face, worsening and defintely breaking his nose before landing a single punch in, the back of his overalls being pulled by Alex as he tried to pull Tyler off Eric before they got in worse trouble.

"That's enough! Both of you!" The guard's voice rang out, Tyler yelping in surprise as he was pushed off Eric, Alex thankfully catching him before he fell on the ground.

Tyler steadied himself as he watched Eric stand up, smirking as he saw Erics bruised and bloody face, much like Tyler's.

"Both of you; come with me." The guard said, stomping off in the direction of the prison.

Tyler grumbled something under his breath before following, Eric not too far behind.

They followed the guard for a bit, down corridors that Tyler had yet to see and up a flight of stairs that led to the second housing unit for the guard's who stayed on site.

"In." The guard said, pushing Tyler and Eric into the room before closing and locking the door behind them.

"Why did you bring us here instead of our cells? Or even the showers so we could clean up?" Eric asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

The guard didnt say a word, just pulled his walkie talkie from its slot on his hip, pressing the button to speak into it. "This is officer Jordan. I've got inmates Joseph and Braum. They started a fight on the court. Awaiting further instructions."

"Leave them. I'll take care of it." A voice Tyler and Eric both recognized said through the walkie talkie, their bodies instantly tensing.

Officer Jordan nodded, as if Josh could see. "Over. They're in the second floor guard room."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Officer Jordan placed his walkie talkie back in its slot before smirking at the two men before him. "Looks like you boys are in for some trouble."

This should've been posted like 4 days ago but I've been so busy at work and I'm so exhausted. I was supposed to work today as well but thankfully they cancelled so hey! Update! This'll most likely be updated tomorrow as well. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment vote and all that shit I love reading your guys' feedback!
Ps: some chapters in the future will be in Joshs perspective. Just an FYI.

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