Napstablook and A/N

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Here, have a free Napstablook!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My brain is stupid and likes to give me random emotions, like mood swings, but to the max. This only happens rarely, but it still happenes. So I constantly have small panic attacks in my brain, because I'm scared of just about everything, I just don't show it. After a while of me not showing my emotions, they kind of explode a little. I was bring my friend back to her house (she was @ my house), and my body decided, 'Hey, wouldn't it be FUN to give niya a panic attack while on her bike?!' So that happened...I wasn't hurt,and I know that my friends are going to say 'hey, I'm here to talk to' or something along those lines, but seriously DON'T ASK ME ABOUT IT. I know that you are just trying to help, but I just don't really feel comfortable telling people about this stuff. I'm actually taking a big step even telling you this, so be happy with what I tell you. That goes for all of my friends, THAT MEANS YOU MacRhoades...AND YOU TOO PasswordAndUsername...

Sorry for "yelling" i just really needed too

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