Chapter 2- Glad You're Here

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Percy was falling. That's wasn't what bothered him, he was used to that right now. What bothered him was that he was still falling. He'd been falling for what felt like days now. He could only hope that at the bottom their was water or something to cushion his fall, otherwise he would splat.

Suddenly, he felt strong arms wrap around him. He freaked out, struggling and twisting, trying to free himself.

"Percy, it's me, Nico," the Ghost King said softly. Percy stopped and turned around. He gasped and threw his arms around Nico, his eyes welling with tears.

"Nico! What are you doing here?" Percy asked, shocked.

"I couldn't let you go alone," Nico mumbled, hugging Percy closer, breathing in his salty scent.

"You could get hurt, you could die. You shouldn't have followed me," Percy cried.

"I couldn't just leave you. You could go insane down here. Trust me Percy, I know. This place messes with your mind. You needed someone here with you, and I couldn't walk away knowing you were down here alone," Nico whispered.

"B-but..." Percy choked out between tears.

"No 'buts'," Nico said humorously, still holding Percy in his arms. Recently, Nico had had a growth spurt, making him taller than Percy. Although Percy was never really 'tall'. He was barely taller than Annabeth.

Suddenly, the ground came into sight, rushing towards them. Nico panicked for a second, not sure how they would survive the fall. He gripped Percy tighter and looked around desperately for so something-anything to break their fall. The he saw it.

"Percy! Water!" he yelled over the howling of the air around them. For a second, Nico thought Percy didn't hear him and prepared for impact, but suddenly a large pillar of water came up and grabbed them.

AN: Sorry, this chapter is so short but after @writergirl222 commented on my story, I had to update. Thanks! You're sooooo awesome, and you're stories are great too! Tattoos on the heart is just like... fantabulawesome! That's right, I made up a new word XD

I'm Sorry, I Can't Leave You a Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now