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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please don't post any rude comments. This is my first story I've published on here and while constructive criticism is appreciated, rude and hateful comments are not. 


The weight of the world fell upon her sinking shoulders. How could he? She was only thirteen, still a child. The task was too much for someone so small to carry. She looked into the eyes of her father, the man who was always willing to do everything for his pack, even if that meant condemning his own daughter to such a fate.

He left no room for discussion, only sighed and ran his hand through his auburn hair. It was getting longer, she noticed. With one final look at his daughter and a halfhearted 'sorry', he walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door after him.

'How could he?' she thought. Her heart sank and her eyes burned with unshed tears. Although she was only thirteen, she knew what was at risk. She knew the options as well as the consequences of both actions. She could run and hide, living in a life of solitude and safety, or she could stay and live out the life that had already been decided for her.

How could he place her in such a position in which she must decide between loyalty to the pack or loyalty to herself? To save the pack or save herself?

She looked out her bedroom window, toward the fences that kept her and her pack safe. She looked outward towards the trees and wide open spaces. She stared at the moon and felt something shift in her. She knew what she had to do. She grabbed a backpack from under her bed and filled it with everything she could. She made sure to leave her cell phone on the dresser and placed the bag into the back of her closet. She would wait until morning when she needed to go to school; it would seem less suspicious that way. She would shower using her father's soaps and wear some of her mother's clothes.

It would be harder to track her if she smelled like the people whom would declare the search.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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