Chapter 3 - Unexpected

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Shawn's POV

I slowly pull into my driveway and look over to Tori. I gently take my hand away from hers and she moves slightly. I unbuckle my seatbelt before going over to her side and carefully opening the door so she doesn't fall out or wake up. I put my keys and phone in my pocket before unbuckling her seatbelt. Her eyes slowly start to flutter open and I start to panic a bit.

"Shawn?" She whispers.

"Mhmm." I respond.

"Thank you." She yawns before rubbing an eye.

I smile as she stumbles out of the car but I catch her. "Sorry." She says quietly.

"You're fine." I pick her up after closing the car door. She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder. I walk to my door lightly tapping it with my foot. Soon I hear the lock click and my sisters face appears.

"Yeah, a walk." She rolls her eyes as she lets me in. I ignore her and take Tori to my room. I gently lay her on my bed and she stares up at me for a few seconds before closing her eyes and going back to sleep. Thank god I actually keep my room relatively clean.

I run back down the stairs to see my mom waiting for me with her arms crossed.

"Tattle tale much?" I groan as Aaliyah smirks at me before leaving the room.

"Shawn, what the hell are you doing bringing a random girl home?!" My mom says irritated.

"She's not some random girl mom, okay? She's a friend. I went to visit Sam today and I had met her a few days back so when Sam had to go back to work I thought I'd say hi. She was in the park crying, she refused for me to take her home so I thought she could come over to get her mind off things." I twist my story a bit.

"Well is she okay?" My moms expression softens.

"It has something to do with her parents, when I had met her she was also upset but with her friend." I bite my lip.

"Okay well thank you for telling me." My mom sighs.

"That's why she was asleep when I came, she cried herself to sleep in the car. I think she may be hungry when she wakes up. But don't worry mom, she's really nice." I try to win Tori some extra points.

"Aww, okay well I'll make something in about an hour. Let her rest then, Aaliyah had said she looked a bit sick." She nods before going into the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relief before turning around to see if Tori was okay but to my surprise she was hiding in the hallway.

"I didn't say anything about my parents." She looks a bit frightened as she holds herself. I take a few steps closer but she puts her hand out.

"Stop." She bites her lip nervously.

"You don't know do you?" I start to smile a bit.

"This isn't funny Shawn."

"It's not like I kidnapped you. But you were mumbling in your sleep in the car. Personally I find it funny but you looked more adorable."

She starts to blush as her body posture relaxes. "I-I thought I broke that habit, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it doesn't bother me." I give her a warm smile and she looks away.

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