Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Author's Note: This is my first fanfic. If you like it comment, but I don't know if I will continue it or when the next time I will update will be.



Jenny Shepard is still the director of NCIS. Kate is dead, as is Ari. It had been about 5 years since their deaths.

Tony's POV

As I'm sitting at my desk looking through some old files and pictures on my computer, the elevator dings and Ziva and McGee walk into the squad room. "Good morning," Ziva greets me as she sits at her desk, holding eye contact with me a little longer than usual. She has a look on her face that's almost painful, but loving. Usually we meet before work at a remote coffee shop to get coffee together, but this morning she didn't show up. No text. No call. No nothing. We aren't 'dating' or 'seeing' each other, hence Rule #12, but we still care enough about each other enough to check in with the other one. The moment before we break eye contact, McGee sees it. Oh gosh, I hope he thinks nothing of it and disregards it for a coincidence even though we're not supposed to believe in coincidences- Rule #39.

Yeah I know it's short but I've kinda have had writers block for a week and it's terrible. So comment & let me know what ya think. Oh and sorry for any run on sentences and extra punctuation, I'm terrible at punctuation and always have been, just forewarning you. :)

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