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oikawa: hey

iwaizumi: hi

iwaizumi: how was your day?

oikawa: fine

iwaizumi: oh

iwaizumi: are you okay?

oikawa: why

iwaizumi: you just seem different

oikawa: oh

oikawa: yeah im okay

oikawa: my boyfriend is just being a dick

iwaizumi: im sorry

iwaizumi: Wait, boyfriend????

oikawa: yeah?

oikawa: im gay

oikawa: wait did u not know

oikawa: i thought it was obvious

iwaizumi: oh

iwaizumi: um okay then

oikawa: is there something wrong?

iwaizumi: no

iwaizumi: no its fine

iwaizumi: sorry i need to go

oikawa: okay ttyl

message read 5:14


welp angst is about to start up, I think (maybe. I haven't planned this all out yet)

And also holy shit thank you guys so much for 100+ reads!! I've never had anything I've written get that much attention and I thought this would be the same, so I was super surprised and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it.

Okay enough of that xoscarlet bye

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