Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes

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[A/N it's a shorty, but I couldn't just let you guy sit with an authors note could I :) / unedited]

The next day, a much healthier and happier Aurora rang my doorbell. I let her in and she immediately asked me if I was okay. She could tell by my face that I wasn't. "It's just... It kind of felt good to be alone with Justin in a setting like... that." I said. Aurora went to sit next to me and draped her arm over my shoulder. "It's okay, Hope. You like him. We just have to make sure that he doesn't break your little precious heart." She smiled.
I sighed, "you're forgetting that he's my teacher. If anyone even finds out he met up with me outside of school he could lose his job and if people suspect even worse things he could get arrested." Hope rubbed my arm to calm me down. "It's going to be okay. You have two choices here: you either let him go and see him purely as your teacher, or you figure out what the both of you want and start from there." She was right, the only thing I had to do know was figure out what the hell I wanted from this guy.

Aurora and I made our way to school shortly after our talk. I was glad I didn't have Justin's class that day. I couldn't face him for some reason. As soon as we stepped into school we got stared at, especially Aurora. Word had gotten round that she went to the new club and got kidnapped, got knocked up and knocked out, even became a drug addict. "Let us guess two times who started all these rumours..." Aurora sighed. I knew who, the damn minion barbies of the school ofcourse.

Aurora had enough of the staring during lunch period. I saw that she was losing her temper and I tried to calm her down but that didn't seem to work. She lost it. "Okay! I went to a club so what? Everyone goes partying! I just got lost while trying to find Hope and Jus-" she abruptly shut her mouth and sat down. My eyes were wide and so were hers. She cupped her mouth with her hand and gawked at the damage she had made. Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us, trying to figure out why she stopped talking. We took our bags and sprinted out of the area.

"Are you kidding me, Rora?! Did you really just almost say his name?" I hissed. She apologised a thousand times but that wouldn't make it okay. And if that wasn't enough, the cherry on top still had to come. Justin paced into our direction, a very, very serious expression on his face. I swallowed hard. This was going to be the end of whatever he and I had, for sure.

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