Character sketch

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Nandini Murthy

"Speak less, work more ", that's one of her philosophies. For a 23 year old she is just too focused and hard-working, doesn't speaks much while working. Her aura is such that ,things happen in blink. Being the CEO of "Akira Corporations", has taught her a lot at a very young age. Taking up a bussiness and converting it into an whole empire was definitely not a piece of cake, especially when you take over at an age of mere 20 years.

This was how the world knows her.

But what they don't know is behind this strong-headed, workaholic and efficient personality there exist a normal girl who hangs out with her friends , party wild, get pampered and sometimes scolded as well. The few people in her life she can go to any extent for. It was because of these people only she managed to pull it off till now, the people who were there to hold her whenever she broke down , the people who actually know the reason behind her being so particular about work , the reason why she wants Akira to be on top. No, it's not the money, not the fame , not the power but a past, a battle she has been given to carry as an heritage. And that battle is what her life has become!

Her best friends are Alya and Soha, and other than them the person she respects a lot, is her baba, Mr. Anurag Singhania.

Manik Malhotra

MD of "Malhotra Industries", 25 years old, has a wide variety of characterized tags. The tags, that are just different interpretations of his silence. Some call it arrogance and rudeness; some, trait of a successful man; some term it as annoying and irritating; some, a clever man's possession and well, some even thinks of it as super sexy and appealing, needless to mention that major population of the latter is female.

But no one can understand what actually his silence is, because that's what makes it different. What they just confine into baseless materialistic judgments holds the key to pages of his life he wanted to either rewrite or burn with such intensity that even it's ashes would not be able to recognize the content.

He respects and loves his mother a lot. His list of companions is only limited to few people, namely just two people Dhruv and Cabir.

Everything about him will be revealed as story progresses.

Alya Saxena

Best friend of Nandini murthy, 24 years old, interior as well as fashion designer, owns "Amor", one of the most exclusive studio centre for the on- time fashion and all in original creatives.

Alya , is the sensible one among them but at times the biggest kid as well she pampers both of them a lot and at times is reciprocated as well. More than them if she loves anything else it's her wardrobe and her makeup. She does not lives with her parents for she always wanted to see and experience love which her parents can't show towards her as she was not the boy they longed for. Unable to tolerate any more taunts and oh-our-unfilled-expectations rants she moved out, for she always believed life always has something better for us. And true to that she found her life in the two most impossible girls she could have ever crossed paths with. She is very practical. But she is extremely possessive and protective of them.

Soha khurrana

Soha ,20 year old, doing her masters with interior designing, helping hand to alya. She is complete opposite of them. For an orphan she is just too optimistic and fun-loving with no sorrows for past, she believes in living in the present. But she is a big directioner she has it really big for them and can go to any extent when it comes to HER and ONLY hers "Harry styles" she has never missed a single opportunity to attend their any single concert. And being her best friends they have to pay huge price for that, from attending their every concert to console her during her break outs that lasts for weeks , whenever she would catch him being in any rumors. But never the less there is nothing quiet about her , you trouble her or her friends, next moment she will be all over you from making you hair-less to damaging the whole geography of your body.

Cabir Dhawan

Manik's best friend, 25 years old, works in Malhotra industries. Handles all his work from official to personal, straight to the point and very clear about what needs to be done and what's best for his friends, dead serious when comes to work but has a full-time funky personality when he is with his friends. Knows Manik inside out and understands, doesn't know the full story behind him but enough to trust and support him. Shares an equal cordial relation with Dhruv. Lives alone due to work, parents in Kashmir .

Dhruv vedant

24 years old, runs a music and dance label "Parindey", and has managed to make it to the one of the most artistic centes of India. But if you think that makes him focused and hard working, you are in for a big surprise. Lazy, funky, never really bothered about work, big time flirt and an all time prankster, the perfect adjectives for him. No doubt he is immensely talented and his out of box ideas and an urge to keep trying different stuffs has earned him this position. But majorly his success owes down to the friends of his life, who have always pushed and kicked him to be on right track. Though he might be funny bone, but even then he never fails to understand his buddies you point one finger at them and he would just show his whatever little skills of all the taekondow and karate he learned in fifth grade, but before that he would tell you to look at the four fingers that are still towards you and then would have great laugh at his own "good" joke.

The rest of characters like Anurag and Nyonika would come up with the chapters.

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