Suprises in all shapes and sizes

626 13 11

Today, Annie Finnick and Finn Jr. are coming to district twelve  for a week to tell us some news. me and Peeta have been guessing about what it could be and he thinks it could be another little Odair baby and I think it is going to be the same thing.

After about 2 hours of getting ready and all, i hear the doorbell ring and then see it's them

"Hey guys! I thought you weren't coming here till later today!"

"We were but we caught an earlier train so we just decided to come now and surprise you!" Annie exclaims

"Where is Peeta and my goddaughter??" Finnick asks

"Oh Peeta went to the grocery store to go pick up some food for dinner tonight" I say

"Ohh okay" Finnick replies

"AUNTIE KATNISS" I hear Finn scream as he runs up to give me a hug

"Hi Mr Finn! Look how big you got!" I say as I receive a big hug from my godson Finn realizing how big he's gotten in such a short period of time

"Do you guys wanna see her?" Peeta says after a short period of time

"ofcourse" annie says in unison with Finnick


"Oh katniss, she's gorgeous" Finnick says as he holds her for the first time since she was little.

"I cant believe how big she's gotten in only 12 months! She's gonna be one in three days and i'm so excited to see her smile on her big day!" Annie says as Liliana gives her a big smile and then as Finn walks in he says,

"CAN I HOLD THE BARBIE?" finn says trying to say baby

"Sure! She's a little tough to hold because all she wants to do is walk but ofcourse you can hold her" I say as finnick hands him

"Mommy, is my sister going to be this big when she comes?" Finn says and me and Peeta giggle in shock

"FINN!" Finnick says as he takes Lily from him and lets her wobble all over the living room

"So yea, that's apart of why we came, WE ARE PREGNANT AGAIN WITH A BABY GIRL!!" finnick says as him and annie surprise us even though we knew it was coming

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Me and Peeta say as we all give eachother one big hug

"CON-GWA-DU-LATONS" Finn explains as he chases Lily around the house

"Oh and one more thing, we decided it might be better to raise both Finn and the new baby here in district twelve! We've been talking about it for a while and we just bought the house a few doors down from you guys!" Annie exclaims

"We're moving to district twelve!" Finnick exclaims

"OH MY GOD" Peeta and I exclaim

"What a great day today has turned out to be. Anyone hungry for burgers?" Peeta says as him and finnick give each other a nod of acceptance and race outside to the grill and start the burgers

As Annie and I sit down and have a cup of coffee(decaf for Annie) I ask, "Soo, How far along are you?"

"4 months. But i didn't find out till two weeks ago when I had to go into the emergency room due to a thrown cup shattering on the floor thanks to Finn over there" Annie says

"Oh my god what happened?" I ask

"Well me and him were waiting till Finnick came home in his playroom and somehow he got one of my mugs and thought he was Hulk and smashed it all over the ground. I quickly picked him up and went to go reach for my phone on the table but i slipped on the glass and got a piece stuck in my foot, they got it out as soon as finnick took me to the emergency room, pretty normal Tuesday afternoon" She says

"Wow, that's crazy" i tell her as i hear Liliana start to act crazy which probably means she needs to go to sleep. "Give me one second as i go out her down for a nap because she's starting to get cranky"

"Oh i can help if it's okay. Does she need a bottle warmed up?"

"Yea actually if u can. The formula is in the op cabinet and her bottles should be right next to it" i tell her

"Okay, ill bring it up" she says as i take Lily upstairs

"You probably don't remember but those are your godparents baby girl. They love you and your cousin Finn does too. They are now gonna be in your life much more often and you shouldn't be afraid. They are momma and daddy's best friends for a long time. And now you are going to have even more cousins to play with! Everything's going just great in life baby girl, and you are going to have such an amazing life and momma and daddy will make sure of it" I say as she looks at me cluelessly mumbling her own language

"Everything okay in here Kat? Here's her bottle." Annie says as i put her in her crib and Annie gives her the bottle which she grabs onto and feeds herself with
"She's pretty independent, she learnt that at 7 months" I tell her and i give her a hug. "I'm so glad you guys decided to come to 12 and stay here. Peeta and I are thrilled to have you guys in her life more often and we are glad we have our best friends closer than where they were a year ago, we love you guys so much" I tell her

"We love you guys too. This is one of those things that you got to appreciate in life and i'm glad you guys get it"

"DINNERS READYYYYYYYY" Finnick and Peeta scream

"I'm gonna kill Peeta if she wakes up from screaming that loud" I tell Annie

"Ill do the same to Finnick" She says

"I swear if you think screaming is cute what isn't gonna be cute is if our daughter wakes up because of the loudness" I tell Peeta

"Okay okay sorry babe, the burgers were ready and i know you would of hated me if you didn't get the first one" Peeta says with a smile on his face

"Ugh, it's bad i love you because if i didn't i would of been pissed that I see Finnick eating the first burger" I tell Peeta as i playfully punch him

"SORRY KITTY KAT IM STARVING" Finnick says as he stuffs his face

"Whatever you owe me a burger next time" I tell him as we all laugh

I'm glad they are back. I'm glad we are all going to have more moments like today. Im glad they are going to be more apart of Lilianas life and i'm glad i have my best friends back.


So. Let me first off explain as to why i haven't posted in a year. This year was my first year of high school and i truly did try to upload but i kept on getting writers block and eventually just stopped trying. I didn't want to end this story where i left it and i'm sorry to the people who had been upset that i haven't uploaded. I will try my best to upload every 3 or so weeks and sometimes even less time than that. I appreciate all the support you guys leave and that is why i decided to continue this story. I appreciate all 
that has been given over these past 4 or so years and i promise that this isn't the end☺️



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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