Chapter three

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Monokuma's POV
I walked to my room door and i looked to the door next to me and i saw a name plate of Despair i smiled and walked to my room and checked the Tvs all night when morning came i said into the microphone "It's 7am so you know what that means get up and have a beeeeautiful day"i heard a smash next door and i ran to check it out it was Despair she had a knife in her arm
Despair's POV
I got up to the sound of Monokumas voice and got dressed i heard my door open and i thought it was Monokuma i said"Good morning Monokuma"When i turned round i saw Toko with a knife i backed up quickly and she said"It will be very quick don't worry i tried to run out but Toko tripped me up and i griped a cub and hit the wall for help when Toko heard that she ran out like Sonic and Monokuma came in and he was angry and scared he came over and said"Are you okay who did this"i giggled and said"I wont die Monokuma i just need help"He nodded he picked me up i blushed and he ran to the 1st floor and took me to tje nurses office and he ripped the knife out i cried and screamed in pain he said"So-Sorry"i cried with my eyes closed and i gritted my teeth to shut me up but it didn't work then Monokuma said"There better"i looked at my arm it had a black and white bandage on it i smiled and hugged him and kissed his cheek he was blushing i ran out of the room laughing then once again i ran into Toko then two girls came to us they looked new the one with pigtails and a black and white bear bobble and a blue bow was Megan and the girl who has her hair in pigtails, but has the tips of her hair dyed light pink, has a mint green bow on her right pigtail and a white bear clip on her left pigtail was Meg We nodded i said"I'm Despair"they nodded and Toko said"I-I'm T-Toko"they nodded then Monokuma grabbed me and ran off i shouted"BYE GUYS" they waved then we went into Monokumas room he said"Why did you run off giggling"i shrugged then he said"Well who stabbed you"i looked down and said"Toko"he growled and hugged me and kissed me on the lips i kissed back he then said"Shall we make one of the students kill Toko"i nodded and i ran to Mondo and asked"Hey Toko is talking behind your back shes going to kill you first"he got angry and pushed me to the wall i hit my back to the wall i muttered "Damn he's strong"i ran back to Monokuma holding my back and i said"I picked one"he nodded and looked at the clocked and said into a microphone "Well It's 10pm go to your dorms night night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite"i giggled at his cute face he laughed to and said"Puhuhu am i cute"i nodded and ran to my room laughing and went to sleep

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