Chapter 8

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That evening, all my friends who had been talking about the monsters like everyone was gonna die, acted like nothing had ever happened. We went back to our normal routine, filled with boredom and repetitive meals. Fruit for breakfast. Leftover fruit for lunch. Mystery meat for dinner. I began to wonder if I ever saw Amelia Earhart or her airplane. That night, when everyone was laughing and talking and interrupting each other, Bradley pulled me aside.

"Do you know of a way off of this island, Ava?" He asked, his tone serious.

"...I...uh..." Lying wasn't easy in this situation. If Bradley could take Rachel back home with him, she would probably remember and everyone else would too. They could live happily. But...

"Bradley...was Rachel's life...good?" I asked timidly.

"Sometimes. Her parents always fought and sometimes she'd show up at my place in tears because it was so bad. Lots of other things pushed her over the edge. She brave though." Bradley closed his eyes for a second, either reminiscing or holding back tears, I couldn't tell.

"Do you think she'd be happier here than...back home?" The question startled even me, "I mean, she has no memories. This place is paradise. Eventually, she'll probably fall in love with you again. Fate, ya know?" I quickly tried to justify what I had just said.

"Some people don't believe in fate," Bradley replied bitterly, "if you know a way off the island, tell me. Please! I have to know! The Rachel here is different. She doesn't have all those hard memories which shaped her. I still love this Rachel, but I'm afraid I'll never see the old Rachel again. All those memories she had of me are just...gone."

Some people would have given this decision more thought. They would have contemplated it for at least a night. After all, my friend's lives hung in the balance. But after seeing Bradley's pleading face, I couldn't say no.

"I...know a way...I guess."

Maybe I'm just an idiot.

"Really?! Relief spread across his face. His smile didn't disappear, even after I explained about the eyeless monsters. Even after I told him about Amelia Earhart's remains. Even after I described the mysterious clue.

"We just have to go back there and look at it." He grinned.

"One problem," I held up a finger to silence him, "I...don't know how to get back there." My directionless brain strikes again!

"Well...uh...we could wander around. I mean...this island isn't all that big." Bradley's smile was fading. Fast.

"Trying to go somewhere?" Alex carelessly swung her machete, appearing from behind the bushes.

"Gah!" I jumped, "why do you guys keep doing this?!"

"You've been pranked!" Will shouted in my ear. He wasn't very good at sneaking so I didn't even jump. I knew he was behind me even before he tried to scare me. I didn't even get why he always seemed to yell, 'you've been pranked'. He wasn't even pranking anyone! Just trying to scare them!

That idiot aside, Irene, Isaac and Drew all appeared behind Alex, annoyed looks plastered on their faces.

"Look! I'm sorry guys! I just...couldn't say no..." I trailed off, my face heating up.

"You're too kind for your own good." Irene flipped her hair, her hands on her hips.

Like I said, I'm an idiot. Endangering everyone's lives for one person's happiness? Idiotic.

"...but...we weren't about to let you go by yourself!" Irene grinned her crazy, funny grin.

That girl could switch emotions faster than I could flip through a photo album.

"I...don't understand." My voice faltered and I stared at her, confused.

"We're coming with you, but," Drew paused, "if the monsters come after us, we quit and we never speak of this clue again."

"Got it," Bradley nodded, his tone serious.

"But...what if the monster...thingys...kill one of us?" I was already doubting my own decision.

"We'll pull back before they have a chance to do that. This is a great way to show you what these creatures can do." Alex said, a far away look in her eyes, obviously remembering something painful.

"Uh...okay." I said, feeling stupid for some reason. This whole thing had turned into a way to scare me into never trying to leave again. Or...that's what it felt like. Someone had already died for just planning to escape. Following Earhart's clue would be a lot riskier.


I found myself trekking through the forest, Irene bouncing ahead of me and Bradley following close behind.

When Bradley saw the skeleton, he sucked in his breath but nodded quickly, "so, where's this clue."

Making a face, I took it down from where I left it on Amelia's long dead lap. Once again, I read it aloud.

'Find the pit of a thousand lost souls Take the treasure which shows you the way
Follow the path of the untold
There is naught that you should say
At The half past three, here the silence shall strike
Avenge me, the lost Amelia Earhart, with all your might'

"So we just wait for half past three and then...the silence shall strike?" I asked myself, studying the hurried writing.

"Is it three thirty AM or PM?" Wondered Isaac.

"No clue," Will lounged against a tree, "we just gotta wait."

"But that's so looong!" Irene whined.

"We won't just sit here. Does anyone have a working watch?" I looked around at them.

"I do," Isaac stepped up and glanced down at his wrist where a digital watch was strapped on, "I washed on shore with it on. I guess it's waterproof."

"Well, what time is it now?" I peered at it.

"Five forty-one." Isaac announced.

"We go find something for dinner, light a small fire and stay awake until three thirty AM." I said, my voice going quieter as I realized I was telling everyone what to do. I stared down at my worn blue converse, "...if that's okay with everyone else." I added, fighting the urge to blush. Why was I so afraid of speaking up in front of people?!

"Good plan." Drew smiled.

I smiled back, relieved that the attention was off of me and on someone else.

"What do we do if the monsters attack while we wait?" Irene spoke up, kicking at the ground with the toe of her shoe.

"We run." Said Drew, his voice low.

The words echoed in my head, packed with power and meaning. It meant that once I saw one of those...things...I would want to get the heck out of there as fast as I could. My overactive imagination began working, trying to generate an idea of what the beasts looked like. I wished I could turn it off, the images which flitted through my mind were so terrible.

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