Luke imagine

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Ugh! I hate work so much. I just wanna go home and snuggle up next to Luke all day. It's about 8 pm so FINALLY I can go home.

I get out of the car and go into the house. "Luke?" I ask looking for him all over downstairs. He doesn't answer. I go upstairs and I hear whimpering. I go into our room and into the bathroom to see Luke throwing up in the toilet. "Babe, what happened?" I ask helping him stand up. "I really don't kn-" he cuts himself off by throwing up again. After, he washes his mouth out with water and goes into the bedroom and lays in bed. I give him some medicine that will calm his stomach. I lay next to him in bed and he lays his head on my stomach. "Hey Luke?" I whisper. I look at him to find him sleeping.

A few hours later

I am downstairs in the kitchen making dinner, when all of a sudden I feel someone kissing my neck. I jump "Shit! you scared me" he laughs. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Better. It still hurts a little. What's for dinner?" "Your favorite" he smiles and kisses you.

*sorry for the cheesy ending 😂*

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