Starting Off

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 So you are reading this book,  which means you clearly need some help in talking to le ladies so here we are going to learn the basics of Starting Off.

We are not by any means professionals. We just got bored. If anything offends you please let us know so it does not happen again. Don't hate please just leave creative criticism. We just got bored so these are our preferences.

#1 First you should probably find a girl that you think is pretty. Just one girl! Girls don't like the idea that they could be being played!

#2 Make sure she is single because they are not gonna leave whoever they are with for you sorry! ^-^

#3 Try to see how she treats her friends and the people around her first! You don't want to date someone who treats their friends badly because chances have it she will probably act like that to you.

#4 Don't be a total stalker by doing the 3rd tip. Saying this I mean try not to just follow her around without at least saying your name.  It comes off as creepy and rude, most girls don't enjoy it.


Book written by -Kay ( and -Ali (Alisarules12)

Editting by -Gio (XxDescendiaxX)

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