Chapter 1

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- Third Pov -

The jingle of the bell rang lightly, notifying the owner a visitor arrived. She quickly wiped her hands and greeted the man by the front of her building. "Hello. Welcome to the Lovely Dead Parlor!" Smiling as she held her hand out to her customer. The man hesitatingly shook her hand, noticing the grim details on her gloves. (Name) quirked her chuckled, "Don't worry, these bones are made of plastic." She gave the man a quick summary of her custom made skeletal gloves.

The man's deep voice echoed through the dim room, "I see. Well, may I have your name?"

"Oh, pardon my rudeness. Name's (Full Name) I'm the co-owner of this shop."

"Really? Hmm... You do seem to be a capable young lady... So I'd like to make a business proposal."

"Let's sit down first," she commented pointing at the chairs settled by the side of the room. Sitting down, the girl brushed her hair away behind her ears. "So, what's it about?"

"It's rather simple. I'll give a sum of cash for the bone samples of certain specimens here." He continued, "I'm a scientist who's come here in need of materials. I wanted to keep the attention to a minimum from certain associates, so I decided to travel far from the city. After looking around and asking for questions, I ended up here." You nodded, listening to his details. "Anyhow, where's your father?"

(Name) scratched her head, "Well the thing here Mister. My father is out at a convention right now."

"Do you think you could do it?" He asked.

"I think so, but pay up first."

"As you wish," he said in a lowly taking out his wallet, pulling out a stack of $100 bills.

Shocked, the young girl shook her hands in panic. "Oh no! You're going overboard!"

The man smiled, "I was just thanking for your help before hand. These items are sure to amplify the value of my project. Don't worry, what I'm giving you is what you deserve."

"But-" The ring of his phone interrupted your words.

"I must go now. Please send the following samples at this location." The man said, slipping her the paper and walking out the door.


Fire swept the lands, and the screams of people were the only thing you could hear. Giant fleshy monsters crashed into buildings. The young family of two ran into their shop. Tanks drove the opposite direction shooting at the enemies. A soldier yelled on a megaphone, "Aim for the back of the neck!" Helicopters and smoke filled the air. "All citizens please board the ships immediately!"

                              • Flashback
"What's this?"
"Drink it, it's a beverage I told you I was working on. Don't worry, I'd never try to poison one of my comrades.
"Okay... Bleh, that's really bitter."
"Guess my flavoring skills needs some work."

"(Name)!" You heard your father scream. One of the monsters managed to corner you two by the back of an alleyway. "I love you, okay? You understand?" He said holding you tightly. "I want you to run. NOW!" He cried, pushing you out of sight as a you saw the glimpse of a giant hand pick up your father.

Tears ran down your cheeks, while the ground quivered with emotion. You clenched your fists, not realizing the steam drifting around you. The concrete wall in front of you was removed as the giant that killed your father carried it away. You felt a wave of pain coming from your face as your skin and muscle started to burn away. The giant smiled at you creepily, picking you up by your hoodie and slowly opening its mouth. Wriggling in its grasp, out of panic you bit scratched its hand, hoping it would harm the beast. "No.. I don't want to die..." You whimpered, water streaming down your face.

It rose you above it's head, you felt the muscles around you relax. "I need to grab onto..!"

Too late.

It dropped you into it's mouth, the acid inside quickly started to inflict your small figure. You looked at your hand in horror, what's left was only its bones stuck together by strings of flesh. You were numb. You couldn't feel anything as you fell into the pit of it's stomach.


• Reader's Pov •

So this is how it ends... Huh...



How am I still able to process words in my mind?

I've been in here for like 5 minutes. How the hell am I not dead yet??


I feel a lot lighter though...

Am I dead? I think I'm dead.

Is this just a bad dream, please let it be. I wanted to taste my last (fav food) before I died.

Well shit.


Hold up. I can feel my limbs.

Oh god, please don't be naked.

I looked down at my self and choked laughing, "I'm a skinned version of myself? Really?" I froze hearing the feint echo of a much larger monster from before roaring. "What the..." I heard it again, but I noticed something. It only happened when I spoke out loud. "Pizza." This time I heard a brief grunt. "Trump caused the fall of America." Yet again, I heard the echo of scrreches mimic the way of my speech. It sounded like if I was a monster too.

That's... odd.

I felt like biting my left cheek but I was only greeted by cold air. Quickly I felt the sides of my face, poking at my cheeks. My right was fine, but my finger just fazed right through my face into my mouth. My teeth felt much sharper than usual and my mandible was basically showing.

I was stuck in a fetal position but when I moved my body, I'd be greeted by a distinct growl. Wasn't that the voice of the monster that ate me? "Screw it." I whispered, stretching my limbs and hearing a large scream. Before I knew it I was laying down, back in the outside world. I could smell all types of things, lots of greenery. "Is this a forest?" Removing my (h/c) locks from my face, large trees were already in my line of sight.

I heard animals by my ear and I turned my head. It was a horse.

But, it was so small.

I reached over to pet it but it felt heavier than I remembered it. In horror, my hand smacked down on the horse.

"My god.."


Author here! Sorry for the cursing! Do not worry, no animals were harmed during the making of this story.

Also yes, in the begging for part of the story was our real life, present day modern world. For Americans/basically everyone else in the manga during the Titan outbreak.

I'll try to make it at least one thousand words for each story, a minimum would probably be at a 500-600.

This is my first story since an extreme writers block I had.

Word count for today: 1,165!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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