Chapter II: A Rose without thorns

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"A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet~" ~Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 

To my dearest bestfriend Rose, 

who i hold oh ever so close. 

Ever this day, always there. 

An angel oh so kind and fair. 

A loving guardian, a wondrous best friend. 

Together forever, together till the end.

A smile of comfort, a heart of gold. 

one that will never ever grow old. 

A friendship forever living on. 

Even after one is gone. 

Strangers now forever be,

Best friends, a friendship for you and me. 

Thank you my dearest best friend Rose. 

One person who i hold so close.

For always there, ever at my side. 

To light and guard, to rule and guide. 

Catching me whenever i fall, 

This person, i'd be happy to call,

this special girl, whom i hold close.

my Guardian Angel, my wonderful Rose. 

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