Chapter 4: Battle Wounds

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This chapter may trigger some people with depression, so just keep in mind that you are beautiful and each and every one of you was put on this earth for a reason. Love you guys!!! If you ever want to talk to me, my Kik is shredderLS. I am here for you.
I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock going off. I turned the alarm off and got out of bed. I went downstairs and began making breakfast. Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. It was David. "Hey! I wasn't expecting you until later. Sorry if I don't look my best right now." I said. "Its fine. That's an interesting shirt, though." He said, pointing at the red stains all over my white, long sleeve pajamas. 'That's weird, I never noticed that before. In fact, it wasn't there last night. Or was it?' I thought. I excused myself to change shirts.
When I got upstairs, I pulled my shirt off. That's when I saw them. All over both of my arms were cuts. Deep ones. 'God, I really have to get this under control' I thought to myself. I struggled with depression for a long time, and the doctor said I didn't need my medication anymore, so I stopped taking it. I remember getting extremely sad last night for some reason, and the rest was a blur. I threw on a black long sleeve and went back to the kitchen.
David had finished breakfast and set the table. "Thanks, David." I said and sat down. He sat across from me. "You okay? You seem suspicious." He said. I blushed. "I'm fine. I promise." I replied. I couldn't let him know what happened. "Want to go to the park?" He asked. "Sure!" I said enthusiastically. We got up and walked to the door. "Do you want to change shirts before we go? Its hot outside and you're wearing long sleeves." He said. "No I'm fine. I don't have anything else that's clean." I lied. He gave me a suspicious look, but he seemed to buy it. We left and walked to the nearest park.
We played hide and seek. David finally found me and pinned me to the ground. I flinched in pain as he held my wrists at my sides. "You OK honey?" He asked. I nodded. "I think I need to take a shower." I said. He helped me up and we went back to the house. I went upstairs and ran the water. I had to roll up my sleeves to do so. Suddenly, the door opened. "I didn't know if you had a towel already, so I brought you one." David said, stepping into the room. "What are those?" He asked, motioning at my exposed arms. I looked down with a guilty expression. He turned the shower off and picked me up bridal style.
He put me down on the bed and covered me up. I felt him climb in next to me and wrap his arms around me in a spooning position. "It kills me to think that you would want to hurt yourself like this. Promise me you won't do it again. I love you." He cooed into my ear. "I promise I'll never do it again. I love you too, David." I replied. He began singing As The World Falls Down by David Bowie, and we fell asleep.

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