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I shivered at the cold morning air coming through the window of my bedroom. I got up wrapping a blanket around myself and went to shut the window. I looked outside and saw New York city as busy as ever. But the only difference was that overnight it had snowed.

I shut the window and went to the restroom. While walking there, I read my clock. 4:37 a.m.
I sighed and just went to the restroom anyway. I washed my face and looked into the mirror, my green eyes looking back at me. I ran my pale hand through my brown messy hair. 'I'll comb it later.'

I got into the warm shower and started to think how my new job as a detective along with my new partner would be like. Maybe I'll do bad or maybe I'll do good. Who knows. I got out out of the shower and it was still early to go to work.4:49 a.m.

'Maybe I should stop by a cafe.' I thought looking through my closet to find what to wear. I decided on a pair of skinny black slacks, a yellow turtle neck, a pair of dress shoes, and a skinny black blazer. Also my white scarf and my black gloves because it's cold outside.

I made my way to the lobby and saw Yuna, my neighbor, walking inside with something in her arms." Hey Yuna." She looked up and smiled. "Hey Akemi,"she said, her blue eyes looking at me and her light blonde, almost white, short hair fluttering behind her as one of the people that lived here opened the foggy glass door.

"I thought that you were coming from your trip at about three but why did you come late," I asked still curious about what was in her arms." Well you see. I was walking down the streets until I saw this little fella abandoned in an alley. So, I brought him here,"she said opening her arms to reveal a white puppy in there.

"His name's Yuki." I looked and she urged me to carry him so I did.' He's so cute!' I thought looking into his brown eyes. His brown covered paws were hanging so I hugged him. "I thought of him living with me but my sister is allergic to them so I will give him to you,"she said.

"Really?! Thank you Yuna!" I ran over there and hugged her. I checked my watch and it was 5:12. 'I still have time to put him back at my apartment or maybe Yuna could watch him while I'm gone.'

"Hey Yuna. Could you watch him while I'm gone?" She nodded, pushing up her glasses and taking Yuki." Good luck on your first day, detective Suzuki." I smiled while walking away. "Good luck on your next book Ms.Izumi." I said and walked through the doors and into the cold.

I shivered and tightened the scarf around me and pulled a little bit more at my gloves. I walked through the crowd of people and made my way into the cafe that I used to work at. I sighed in relief to the warm air and made my way to the cashier.

"One coffee please." I said and she went right to work. I sat in one of the booths and waited for my coffee to be ready. I took out my phone and looked that I had three missed calls from mom so I called her back.

"Hello?" I heard her soft voice say."Hey mom,"I said.

"OH MY GOD!!! MY SWEETIE!!!!!"she yelled happily. She cleared her throat and calmed herself down. "So how's it going with work,"she asked. "It's still not time," I said looking that my coffee was ready. I silently thanked her as she left.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? I'll hang up right now."

"No. No. You don't have to. Besides, I was already awake,"I said taking a sip of my drink and checking the time.5:32.

"So. Sweetie. I've been wanting to tell you this and well......"she paused." Well what?"

"You're going to be a big brother!!!!"she yelled.

"What?!?!?!" I yelled confused.

"Hope you get to meet Hiyori!!!!" She hung up.

What the hell just happened.

I shook my head and ignored it. I grabbed my coffee and paid. I walked outside to be met with the cold once again. I quickly hurried to the F.B.I building and opened the door. I saw two people standing there at the entrance.

"Ah. You must be Mr. Suzuki!" One of them said. "My name is Mr. Amori and I am the boss here,"said Mr. Amori." Now Suzuki, I'd like you to meet your new partner. Ryo Satoshi. Satoshi, this is Akemi Suzuki."

Ryo had black hair, intimidating blue eyes, and he was definitely taller and older than me. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt rolled up to the elbows with a black tie, black slacks, dress shoes, and he was wearing black leather gloves while his coat hanging on his arm.

He then looked at me and walked away to the elevator. "Sorry about that Suzuki, I'll go talk to him," said Mr. Amori and headed for the elevator too.

'Talk about first impressions,' I thought, going to the now empty elevator and pressed the floor button. I waited nervously that I had started to sweat but I tried to stay calm.

"I hope I don't mess this up,"I said out loud waiting for the elevator door to open so I can start my first day of work as a detective.

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