Part 1

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Aight so you can find the person here =_=":

I guess we begin...
I hate my life like so much rn

Like I can't even spell the names they sound weird
"Touba" "Toubey Chicken"
K for Toubey we will just pretend Chicken is his last name

Okay so

Part 1

Toubey used to be a successful guy and be serious with his studies but lately, he has been noticing a classmate of his, his name was Touba
(I can't do this I sware to god don't follow him)

Touba wasn't open to anyone probably... You could always find him sitting in the last desk wearing earphones, without speaking or making any kind of sound.
When teachers asked him to repeat something, he only starred at them.

Toubey also noticed that when the lessons were over, Touba would leave after everyone and slowly.

So he was curious. And one day, he asked him if he wanted to leave with him.

"Nope. I'm good."
He responded and ran outside.

Sometimes you would also see Touba watching other guys from the basketball team in which Toubey was in.
But what was wrong with him?

Toubey returned home feeling awkward
"Really Toubey? Ask him to walk back with you? Now you just made it worse."
He thought while looking at a mirror.

Touba didn't seem to need anyone.
He felt indepedent himself.
He wouldn't cry for anything, he wouldn't get mad for anything, he was unexpressed.
He would say his opinion out loud, for the entire earth to listen to it, only because he didn't care who or what he was hurting.

But Toubey, was different.
He wanted a life, and a job he would enjoy.
He had hope.
Hope wasn't in Touba's vocabulary.

That afternoon, Toubey decided he would go for a walk to the park, the fresh air helped him clear his mind.

Walking slowly, he found a hill to rest.
He laid on it for some time and watched the clouds.
They were all taking weird shapes,..

It must have been an hour, when he turned his head to the left only to notice..

To notice Touba that was sitting on a bench meters away?

Toubey got up and approached him.


Toubey waved at Michael and then walked towards him.

Michael was a good friend of Toubey's and they were on the same basketball team.

"How are you doing Toubey?"

"Pretty good just came here to relax a bit"

They kept talking until Michael got a call and said he had to leave.
Then Toubey remembered Touba and looked back at the bench.

Noone was sitting there. Not anymore.

He went closer to the bench and accidently stepped on a magazine
He picked it up.

"What the heck is he reading?"

He opened the magazine-thing at a random page and saw two men kissing on a comic.

"Wh-Wha,...That's manga if Im right...
Why would he be reading this gay stuff?
That's just sick!"

He left it down, walked back.
Then stopped at some point.


He returned, picked it up and left.

Touba x Toubey Chicken (H8 My Life)Where stories live. Discover now