Part 2

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"Wh-Wha,...That's manga if Im right...
Why would he be reading this gay stuff?
That's just sick!"

Toubey sat on his bed holding the manga.
He opened on the first page, and started reading.

He kept reading,..
So much,.. that he forgot about his homework.

He never knew such thing existed, who knew Touba was that kind of person.

The next day, he had already finished the entire book, so he decided to come and place it back under the bench.

He hid, so that he would see if someone was sitting on that bench.
When he realised noone was, he made slow steps closer to the bench.
After that, he placed it carefully on the ground

"Wait, hey that's mine."

Toubey turned behind to see Touba.

"I,.. I didn't..."

Touba grabbed it with force.
"Why are you looking in my stuff you fuckin skank? Haven't you heard of privacy? Of course not, you're the jerk of the class."

They started shouting.

People were starring right at Touba and Toubey, they were both yelling at each other.

"You know what, yes I was looking at your stuff, I saw you last time here and you left this, so i picked it up."

"Excuse me boys but do you got any mental problems?" A woman said holding her mobile ready to call someone.

Touba spitted on Toubey and ran off.



The bell rang.
Toubey was waiting out of the class already, he was expecting to talk to Touba.
Everyone took their seats,..
But Touba was missing.

Lessons ended, but no sign of him.

Toubey felt sick cause of what happened.
Was even Touba home?
"Why would he be gone like that...He might not speak alot, but at least he has never missed a lesson..."

Only silence surrounded Toubey.

Silence at school,
Silence at home.


Touba x Toubey Chicken (H8 My Life)Where stories live. Discover now