Chapter 3

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"John! John! Are you alive?" I heard.

I could hardly open my eyes but I noticed a bright light shining on my face. "Hu-huh? What? Where am I? AM I DEAD? IS THIS HEAVEN?" I worried.

"No smart one these are the air vents." Someone explained.

"Then why is there a super bright light shining on my face?" I asked.

"Oh right my bad." The voice apologized as the light moved away.

I noticed it was Dylan. As I tried to stand up hit bumped my head against the cealing. "We need to get out of here." I informed.

"Uh I'm pretty sure we know that." Gaby said. "That's why we have Jamin and Denise looking for the exit we stayed to look after you."

"I have two questions how did I get up here? and how will Jamin and Denise get back here?" I asked.

"We carried you up here and Jamin and Denise both have string which they are using to track their paths." Dylan answered.

While we waited for Jamin and Denise they explained to me how after I hit the ground I was unconscious for quite a while and that I was talking while I was unconscious they said I was saying some random numbers which were 5935 and 83431. I tried remembering if I knew anything about those numbers but I didn't. After about 15 minutes Jamin was back and he said he found no exit on his side so we started heading towards Denise's side we followed the string to a music shop and the string was inside luckily the air vent was on a wall and not in the roof. As we followed the string we heard a piano being played. "What is this song it sounds familiar?" Dylan asked.

"It's called Flight of the bumblebee." I responded

"How do you know huh John?" Dylan questioned me.

"Uh because I play the violin..." I replied. "Let's just keep going geez."

When we got to the string it was Denise playing the piano. "DENISE? You know how to play that?! What the heck it's like imposible!" I said in disbelief.

"Uh what are you guys doing here?" She asked surprised.

"Well Jamin said his side wasn't the exit so we came towards yours." Gaby explained.

We asked Denise what she was doing there and she said she was "looking around" we went back to the air vents and started heading forwards. We reached the end of the air and there was an exit but it needed a code I remembered the numbers from earlier and typed one of them in didn't work I tried the other one it also didn't work. "Guy's we need to find the code for this." I said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious John." Gaby mocked me. "So what do we do?"

The speakers turned on- "MARGARET IS THIS THING ON!?... Oh... Hello I noticed you've found the exit so I just want to let you know to open it you don't need a code you need to each say on of your darkest secrets! Good luck have fun don't kill each other."

"Sooo who's going first?" Jamin asked.

"Uh I'll go first." Gaby insisted. "The day I met you guys I thought you were all little b**ches like all the other people in our school."

A digit was put into the keypad.

"That's your darkest secret?!" We all said surprised.

"I guess I'll go" I said. "I used to hate when Dylan and Denise would invite me somewhere with them because I felt ignored and a third wheel."

Another digit was put into the keypad.

"I already knew that." Jamin and Gaby said.

"I'll just go." Dylan said. "I cry every night because John hates me."

A third digit was input into the keypad

"I don't hate you dude I hope you know that!" I said.


Jamin started, "Okay I guess it's my turn, once my cousin's hamster got lost-"


"No, my mom cooked it for dinner and me and my cousin ate it and I would have never know if she didn't tell me."

Another digit was put into the keypad.

"Well Denise, you're up."

"Ugh, fine" she groaned "once when I was playing with nerf guns I shot my brothe in the eye, when my parents came home and asked what had happened I lied and told them he fell, I felt so bad."

We all stared at her, then at the keypad, then back at her.


Nothing happened.

"Fine, I didn't feel bad, I found it funny."

Still nothing.

"...I wanted to shoot him again."

The final digit was finally input into the keypad. The door opened and it led outside to a parking lot surprisingly. I was expecting a forest or a dessert or something crazy, but it was simply a parking lot. Not sure why I was expecting of the sort. We all gathered our stuff and walked outside. We noticed there were no cars at all. We decided to leave Dylan and Gaby at the door as Jamin, Denise, and I lap around the mall. As we went around the mall we noticed there was no sign of  human life and there were no open doors aside from the one we cane out of. As we were approaching the exit where we left Dylan and Gaby you could see Gaby screaming at Dylan while he was sobbing on the floor. We run over to see what happens. "I swear! I didn't do it!" Dylan sobbed while tears ran down his face.
"Gaby what happened?" I asked.
"Well you see I went over to those bushes to go pee and this IDIOT let the door close."
"It wasn't me! It closed by itself!"
"Then why did it fucking close?!"
"Guys calm down." I intervened. "Lets just try to open it up."
"Don't you think we've already tried that genius?" Gaby replied.
"Well we gotta find somewhere to stay look." I pointed up at the sky. "It's getting dark."
"I noticed an apartment complex over on the other side of the mall across the street." Denise informed. "It shouldn't take long to arrive, we should get there before sundown."
We started walking and for the whole walk I believe Denise, Dylan, and Jamin wanted to kill Gaby and I. We were singing Hamilton for the whole 30 minutes it took us to walk to the apartment complex.

As we were approaching the entrance we heard a deafening scream, similar to the one we heard at the hospital. We turned around to see the slender, faceless, six limbed monster running at us at mach 5.

"Shit." I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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