Sturgeon Moon (the August Month Challenge)

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Does August even have 31 days?

Anyways, I was tagged in this continuation of TheShineOfTheMoon's July Challenge by Squad53 who apparently hates me. I will be writing about a certain assigned topic for one day all month. Even when I have work. Even when I have entries to write. Even when school starts.

Basically, Emma and I aren't friends anymore.

I'm tagging no one at the moment because I really don't know enough people to do that. If you want me to lowkey tag you in the comments, then PM me or something and I'll improvise a great lie. I'm good at improv (oops, getting started on the 6th already).

The topics:

August 1st: Top Five Characters You've Written

August 2nd: Trump VS Hillary 

August 3rd: Top Three Shocking Never-Have-I-Evers

August 4th: Top Three Ice-Cream-Flavors

August 5th: Top Five ToS Roles 

August 6th: Top Five Things I Like About Myself

August 7th: Top Five Things I Dislike About Myself

August 8th: Top Five Candies

August 9th: Three Qualities I Respect

August 10th: Favorite Singer(s)/Band(s)

August 11th: Five Qualities I Find Attractive in a Person

August 12th: Five Qualities I Find Unattractive in a Person

August 13th: Top Three Favorite Movies

August 14th: Top Three Favorite Books

August 15th: All Things Related to Bloos

August 16th: Three of my Goals in Life

August 17th: American Spellings VS British Spellings

August 18th: Top Three Hobbies

August 19th: Favorite Holiday(s) of the Year

August 20th: Best Inspirational Quote

August 21st: Top Three Super Powers

August 22nd: Three Favorite Ways to Start a Story

August 23rd: The Two Easiest People to Talk to on Wattpad

August 24th: An Embarrassing Life Moment

August 25th: What I Like About Moon ( TheShineOfTheMoon)

August 26th: What I Like About Carl (CAKersey) (because Ray told Emma to and I got all these straight from Emma)

August 27th: What I Like About AG-BB

August 28th: What I Like About Emma (Squad53)

August 29th: What I Like About Kira ( _TheFaultInOurWifi_)

August 30th: Favorite Day of the Week

August 31st: Top Three Ways to End a Story

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