The Days to Come

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"Please no! Please! Please don't do this!" I barely manage to say the words as I cry so hard. There standing before me, my beautiful aunt even covered in blood, still a beautiful sight. Her ombré hair, tattered and tangled, hangs peeled to her face from tears and blood. Her stunning but determined green eyes show sadness and her hard set jaw, broken. Her comforting smile is plastered across her face which mixes my emotions. She's about to die, but everything is so calm. Then as if time resumed everything started the way it should, "Run Ashley! Go please, get out of here I'll hold them off. Just go!" the words came out quick but calm. I knew better than to disobey her but she couldn't make it out by herself. "No I'm not leaving you to die." I said not believing the words that came out of my mouth. "I said go Ashley, now! and that's an order." she answered through her teeth. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stood up, legs weak and wobbly and ran to the door. The distant growl of vampires caught my attention and I looked back to see what had to be a dozen of them emerge  out of the darkness and run straight towards my aunt. As the first one got close she clean cut, decapitated it. As the second, much bigger and stronger, she whipped her arm back to mimic what she performed to the last bloodsucker but the vamp blocked and grabbed her arm twisting it under her. She screamed out in agony as the third indulged it's fangs into her neck she collapsed and fell to the ground where they all swarmed around her. Feeding.

I shot up breathing heavily as wet hot tears were still streaming down my face. I had been experiencing that dream for weeks now, ever since my aunts gruesome death. Slight parts of the dream is different though. In the beginning the old abandoned house we where in was in intense focus and descriptive, now my aunt is the focus, every small detail, I notice. I hate having them. A reminder every night that I was the reason my aunt was dead. If only I weren't so weak. Those evil sons of bitches will pay, every. last. one. I thought to myself. I forced myself to stand up even though my somewhat-getting better legs could hardly carry my weight. I had been training for months and workout time, was killer. I ran my hand around the wall, searching for the light switch, which took too long to find, and flipped it on. I turned around preparing myself for a pigsty in which, I call a hotel room. As I look around I see my investigation mind map on the wall, clothes splattered everywhere on the floor and fast food garbage on every inch of the table. I scavenge for my FBI suit and after several minutes of bad luck, finally discover the dammed thing. I place them on the cupboard in the bathroom and take an exactly four minute shower. When aunt Sage was still alive she implied that rule in the backup that time is precious. as I dry myself off I put on my suit, dry my hair and look in the mirror. The sight of my own face is almost unfamiliar considering I couldn't stand to look at myself after her death. My long, jet black hair can almost reach my hips, people always told me it was my best feature. My green eyes stare back at me as I lightly apply some mascara, last my lips, certainly not thin, but yet, not thick. I coat them in light pink and tie my hair up into a professional looking bun. Last I grab the gun under my pillow and my box of fake IDs, credit cards, and badges. Then head out the door.

I pull up to the crime scene in my 1984 z28 Camaro, which used to be Sages. I fasten my gun into the back of my pants and grab my fake FBI badge. As I get out of my car, I look down at myself, plain light grey, long business pants with the matching business jacket. "Hey! You can't be here this is a crime scene!" yelled a short male cop with a black moustache,who has to be at least in his late forties, breaks my train of thought. "FBI agent Anders, I'm here to investigate the death of two missing teenagers." I replied with my professional voice. His face scrunched in confusion "What? Two of your guys were already here, just left in some crappy Impala" he said with a matter-of -fact tone. Shit. "Um, yes. My supervisor just sent me to do a follow up." I tired not to let my panic show. Though this was my first time doing this alone. "Agent Anders!" A gruff voice broke the awkwardness. The local Sheriff walked towards us, he was young in he's twenties, same as me with muscles and a broad chest. His blonde hair and blue eyes, shimmering in the sunlight. "Hey! Where's your partner? Agent Sarnoff?" the Sheriff questioned. I stood there shocked Aunt Sage, he was talking about Aunt Sage! "Agent Anders? Are you alright?" He asked, concerned. "Yes yes. I apologize I was just thinking about the case. Yes she's been promoted to a higher rank and works and a supervisor now, I haven't been placed with a new partner yet." I tried to say it like I believed it which was very difficult She's dead and it's all my fault. "Oh, well good for her! Anyways, let's get a look at this case now shall we?" He stated and began walking towards the scene of the crime. I followed him as the duck-like cop followed us. "Two teenage girls, Stacey Hughes and Bailey Sanders, we're both missing, on separate cases though. Stacey was missing for three months, last seen leaving school, Bailey went missing two weeks ago straight from her home, weird, because the parents didn't notice for hours." explained the Sheriff. "But both were found dead, side by side, along the road, which leads us to think the killer kidnapped both of these girls which could link the disappearance of Sandy Charles who went missing three days ago." he continued. "And there were no witnesses at all?" I questioned. "Nope, makes this a real hard one, the only lead we have is that" he said point towards a large rock with a sign on it, made out of blood. I instantly recognized it. Three circles in triangle formation, joined by a triangle itself. My knees gave out and I sat there for what had to be minutes, paralyzed. Sound, blurred out, all but a ringing noise in my head. The was their sign, the vampires that killed my aunt. They did this. They were here. I finally found them. And I was going to kill them.

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