Epilogue-Never Forget The Reflection + BONUS SCENE

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|Third Person|

Pete sat there in complete shock about hearing what had happened to Patrice, Gerri, Brenda, Michelle, and Frankie. But, the one who especially hit him deep, was Petra. In the short time he knew her, he had fallen for her. Sure, she was just like him, she was his reflection for Christ's sake.

But he never knew how much it really would hurt, not seeing her look back at him.

It was only then, that he realized that the love he felt for her, would never be felt for someone else. And sadly, that included Meagan.

He took out the picture that had been in his pocket of him and Petra, after he had his hair dyed. He had kissed her on the cheek, and although it was meant as platonic gesture at the time, he couldn't help, but feel a bit of affection for her. A tear fell down his cheek, at the small memory.

Petra Wentz was someone filled with so much compassion that he could never forget her.


Petra looked down at Pete, wishing she could call out to him. The other girls tried to reach to their reflections, but to no avail.

She had never felt such a strong connection with someone before. She never felt a connection with someone, not even her ex-lover, Morgan. With Pete, she felt as if someone finally understood her.

Seeing him go through this pain broke her heart. The execution scene played back in her head, like a broken record. That was the last time she would see him.

Or so she thought....

****A Few Years Later****


"Where the hell am I?" I remark, looking at my surroundings. This place could only be described as paradise. I looked down to see that the gray dress I had been in before had changed into a white dress.

"You're in Heaven, Petra. You've spent the amount of time needed in Purgatory, and I believe that you were too far too young to die," says a man in a white suit behind me. I never really questioned whether God existed, but he did. He stood before me, in the form of Elton John.

"Sir, I mean, Lord, I don't understand what you're saying," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm saying, Petra, that you, Michelle, and Brenda, died too young. I'm giving you another shot at life." I stare at him, shocked and mouth wide open.

"But why? I wasn't that great of a mother to Beatrix and----"

"You'll have second chance to be there for her. But, be aware that I will come to you in your dreams and talk to you. You haven't completely fulfilled your mission from me and because of that, as well as many sins you've committed, there will be, consequences," he says firmly.

"But which side will I be on?"

"You'll be on Pete's side. You and the girls must be on your way now, I have to admit some more people into Heaven," he finishes, turning his back on me. I then notice Brenda and Patrice come my way, pulling me into a group hug.

"How've you guys been?" I ask, pulling away.

"I've been better. I can't believe we're coming back to----" Brenda begins to say before she's shushed by God.

"I know, I can't believe it either. But we better get going. We better see Gerri, Michelle, and Frankie before----"

"Girls! Please leave before I change my mind," God booms, scaring Patrice a little.

We then leave on a cloud back down to Earth. And the next thing I know, I'm at door that I didn't recognize.


I hear banging on the door to my house, waking up my son, Saint. I hear him crying in a distance, waking up Meagan too. She rushes over to his room, motioning for me to get the door. I get up from my bed to go answer the door. As soon as I turned the knob, I was surprised by the vision I saw.

"Petra?! What are you doing here? I thought you were dead-----" I'm about to finish before she gives me a questioning look.

"How do you know my name? And where am I?"

A/N: Thanks for sticking around!! Can't believe how long this journey has gone on. For those who've stuck around, thank you for reading this book!!

Huge thank you to rac06h10ael for helping me out with this book. She's been a huge help and I can't thank her enough. Round of applause to her and to all of you.

Anyways, now that this book is finished, I need to finish The Carpal Tunnel of Troubled Love. Please stay tuned to announcements for this book!!


The Reflection Of Me (Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie ft. 3/4 of MCR)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora