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Everyone has been wondering about what happened to Toffee's right ring finger and why it was cut off, and I think I might have an answer.

In Storm the Castle, we saw Toffee's arm get disconnected from his body. Afterwards, we see him grow his arm stronger than its original form. Keep this in mind.

We also see in Storm the Castle that Toffee knew Star's wand would cause Ludo's Castle to be destroyed. Towards the end of the episode, while everyone else looks confused, Toffee thanks everyone for helping him just before the castle explodes.

Lastly, after everything is destroyed, while Star and Marco are walking around the remains of Ludo's castle, we see Marco standing in front of the only object that withstood the wrath of Star's wand: Toffee's tuxedo stand that has a mirror attached to it.

Now, we can put all the pieces together.

If Toffee did know that Star was going destroy Ludo's castle, he would have prepared before hand so he wouldn't go down with it.

To prepare for this, Toffee would have cut his finger off on purpose and put it in something that he knew would survive the aftermath of Star's wand annihilation. This way, when everyone thought he was dead, Toffee could regenerate his entire body from the finger he cut off.

Toffee most likely put his finger in his tuxedo stand because he knew that even the glass would not break after the explosion. This would also explain why we haven't seen or heard from Toffee in a while; he has been recreating himself. His tuxedo stand is most likely magic, which is probably why it didn't break like everything else.

I know this is a short theory, but I figured I would post it anyway! Thnx for reading!;)

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