Realization- Liam

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   Just another day goes by where I keep letting myself get hurt. I know that she isn't good for me but I stay. She says she loves me but does she really? Is there anyone that truly does love me? Its just heart break after heart break. But there is one person in my life that I can always count on and that is Oakley I don't know where I would be without her. But there is something no one knows I'm in love with her I have been for a while.

   "Knock knock" zones back in from thoughts. "Who is it?" Liam says as he gets up and grabs his bag. "Who do u think silly" says Oakley in the distance. Liam opens the door and can't help but smile and he hugs her. "Hey you, how is your morning" he says while smiling like a fool. "It's been alright, you?" She says while looking into his eyes and smiling that beautiful smile. "Just alot of thinking and realizing some stuff, nothing to bad" he says as he shrugs and starts walking to his car.

   As he is walking to his car he glances over at her and can't help but smile but quickly looks away so she doesn't see. "So um, u wanna ride to school?" He says hoping she does even tho he asks everyday and she always say yes. She thinks to her self fuck ya I do. "Yeah sure why not" she says with a smile. They both get in and start off to school. On the ride to school they non stop talk like two best friends do.

   They both arrive at school and they pull in to there usual spot in the parking lot. They sit there for a minute lost in conversation. It's like time stopped and it was just them to in the world. "So u ready for another day in this hell hole?" He says as he gets out of the car and runs over and opens her door. "Not really but I'm trying to enjoy the time I have with you. I just can't believe it's ur last year" she says sadly. "Ya I know I'm really gonna miss you" he says while looking down. They start walking Inside so there not late.

   "I need to talk to about something after school it's really important" he says with a smile. "Ok but we're still gonna see eachother throughout the day right?" She says kind of worried. "Well yes of course Im just letting you know, at the end of the day meet me right here, ok?" She smiles "ok sounds good, I'll see u after this class." She says with a smile. She walks away to her class.

   His thoughts as he goes to class: "I'm gonna tell her how I feel about her but I'm super nervous about it. What if she doesn't like me the same way? What if she says she just wants be friends? I can't hide these feeling anymore it's time to come forward and tell her."

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